Chapter Nine

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Sorry for the long wait. I've recently got back into Pirate's Of The Caribbean and omg Johnny Depp tho *dies*

This book will be ending soon. I'm not quite sure how many chapters will be left. I have already thought of the epilogue and I know I've probably just made a whole lot of you mad at me. Sorry? The final battle is coming up fast and I know you want to know how it plays out. 

Also, there will be NO updates next week as I am away on holiday. 

Enjoy this chapter <3


Narrator POV:

Dark Bella had been disappearing and returning a few hours later with the same expression on her face: Smug. No one knew why she was leaving for hours, days, weeks or even minutes at the time but they all knew one thing, it can't be for no good.  Edward had been stuck in his room trying to find a way to save Bella as the Darkie clearly pointed out she wouldn't survive and he was determined for that not to happen.

For weeks on end, he's been coming up with nothing. That is until last night. 

Which is where the story begins today, everyone gathered at an old abandoned warehouse where they were sure no one would enter. Alice was stood near the entrance on the look out with Jasper whereas everyone else was gathered in the middle of the floor. Candles were lit for extra effect. Edward stood with the big book that would help them through the ritual. 

"This is weird" Emmett spoke up referring to the markings on the floor (pic attached) "Why must it be so creepy?"

"A big vampire scared of some markings?" Laughed Zac.

Emmett frowned. "No, I'm scared of what the markings do"

"Emmett has every right to be scared. This isn't easy work" Edward spoke up

"It's devil's work" Esme sighed folding her arms. 

"Well Bella is the devil" Edward shoots a glare at Alice. "You know what I mean"

Clara sighed whilst rolling her eyes. "Can we just begin? I want my sister back"

"Wait, we could lose the darkness's power if we do this" Pointed out Jasper. "Are you sure?"

Edward groaned. "It's the risk I'm willing to take Jaz. I need Bella back"

They all nodded and looked at one another before linking hands around the markings so they formed a circle. Edward nodded to Ivania who raised her hands and made the candles burn brighter around them. Looking down at the book, Edward glanced over the spell and read over the words that he had no idea what it meant. 

"Will this even work? She's not a demon" Esme spoke concern in her voice. 

"No Bella's not, but the darkness is" Edward looked at her. "All we need to do is think of what she looks like when I say these words. Ready?" Everyone nodded. Ivania waved her hands again and the candles grew brighter. "Bulbous vicson oro Zhou."

For a moment, nothing happened. You could cut the tension with a knife and it was that quiet you could hear each other's breaths. Sighing, Edward closed the book and groaned in frustration but then the ground started shaking making them all cry out and grab onto something so they won't fall. Some of the candles went out and they swore the markings on the floor moved. It happened for a few minutes when it all stopped. 

"Really? A summoning spell?" Bella asked from inside the markings. "I thought you all knew better."

It worked! Thought Emmett as Edward spoke up. "We want Bella back you demon"

"Sorry, no can do. At least not yet" Darkie laughed. "Now, release me from these markings, will you? We have a battle to face"

"No, we have a battle to face. You don't" Hissed Alice.

"Going back on your deal? Tut. No one does that without consequence" Darkie folded her arms 

Feeling confident, Edward spoke up. "And we'll pay it" Darkie looked at him and raised her eyebrow. "But not yet"

"What are you doing?"

Together, they all linked hands and chanted the only thing that will get rid of the darkness out of Bella:

"Regna terrae,
cantata Deo,
psallite Cernunnos.
Regna terrae,
cantata Dea,
psallite Aradia.
Caeli Deus,
Deus terrae,
humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus.
Ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate,
Laqueo, and deceptione nequitia.
Omnis fallaciae, libera nos, dominates.
Exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus.
Omnis satanica potestas,
omnis incursio, Infernalis adversarii.
Omnis legio, omnis and congregatio secta diabolica.
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, dominates.
Ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias.
Te rogamus, audi nos!
Ut inimicos sanctae circulae humiliare digneris.
Te rogamus, audi nos!
Terribilis Deus
Sanctuario suo,
Cernunnos ipse truderit virtutem plebi Suae,
Aradia ipse fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Benedictus Deus, Gloria Patri,
Benedictus Dea, Matri Gloria!"

"No!" Dark Bella screamed.

She fell to the floor and they kept on chanting the spell as they watched her twitch uncontrollably on the floor and grunted in pain. Her back arched off the ground and they all watched in horror as what looked to be an arm come out of Bella's neck. Emmett stopped chanting and went a way to 'throw up' as more body pieces left Bella until another person was stood next to her. This person had jet black hair, luscious red lips, curves in all the right places and jet black eyes. 

"So you freed me" Darkie flipped her hair. "Bravo" 

"It's about time" They all turned and saw a man with red eyes smirking. Darkie squealed in excitement and clapped her hands. 

"Lucifer" Bella gasped on the floor shivering. Man, that hurt. 

Darkie crouched down to Bella's level. "Hey, roomie! Thank God for that! It was a bit tight in there wasn't it?"

The now back to normal Bella sat up and Edward rushed to help her. "Go to hell"

"Been there" Darkie grinned and faced Lucifer. "Let me out will ya?"

Lucifer waved his hands causing a crack in the markings to appear. Darkie stepped out and walked over to Lucifer as everyone watched in shock and confusion. She grabbed his hand and together they left the warehouse in a puff of smoke.

The trouble has just begun. 

The spells used I got from a website called Spells Of Magic. So I don't know if they're right. 

So, they released the Darkness from Bella. Was that a good thing or bad? Let me know what you think!

Until next time,

Chloe xxx

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