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I'm the dance of light and darkness ,
I'm the fight of happiness and sadness,
I'm the ink that speaks when my mind wonders ,
I'm the words I carry, so deep within me .


Every time I'm sad... my thoughts would lay heavily on my soul, begging me to release them. So I write. I write because I want to release what's hurting me .

I usually end up writing about the things that pains me; the things that I can never say.

So well , expect these to be ..... Dark 😜

I write because I find peace in writing down my thoughts and fears ❤

Now don't expect me to be a sad girl with a deep frown 24/7 , I'm quite the  contrary if u know me .
The girl with a cheery smile , crazy attitude and super weird personality... But everyone has their deep moments right ? ;p

Stay awesome ,
Lots of lovexx


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