Mirror mirror

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Mirror mirror on the wall
How hard my ugly reflection makes me fall.

Staring at it and faking a smile
A smile that hides details not in sight

Reflection smiling
Soul curling ,
burning with sadness
Devouring in madness.

Mirror mirror you crash my dreams
How deep you scar me
How bad you make me feel.

But whether you like it or whether you don't
I'll never let you posses my thoughts

You make me feel ugly
Tell me I'll never catch an eye
But here I'm standing
shouting at you 'that's just a lie'

Mirror mirror on the wall
Whether you accept me or not at all
I'll get back up and set my goals
I'll be strong and achieve them all

Mirror mirror
You're so cruel
You tell me I'm ugly without giving me a chance
You judged me without a second glance

I don't love you and I never will
Cause you are just a liar push me down the hill

Mirror mirror on the wall
For once I'll be strong and burn them all


First attempt to write a kinda positive thing , what do you think ? 👻💕

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