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Your taste still lingers on my lips
blood  running wild since we last met
Addicted I became , high on your harsh grips
They say I should hate you and that you  are a threat

But You set me on fire
So I let you ignite me , bury me in you again
And I become another soul who's mire
In your fierceness  I feel to attain

The sanity they all have.
The sanity that I desperately on it get high.

My dear misery , My dear sadness ,

You were there with me when they all left
They left leaving nothing but fractured remains
And with your addicting aroma you possessed me like rain
Harsh and fierce , making my tears pour forth
Oh how you make me feel numb to bones

Sadness , misery and a shell of what I once was.
That's all I became. That's all I ever will be

Possess me again and again
For I love you because you never left
Ignite me on your dear flames
Bury me in your awfully addictive fountain.

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