Chapter 10

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    Lilly's P.O.V.

        After hearing the car crash, JC, Kian, Andrea, Jenn, Mackenzie, Noah, Aylin, Ricky, Jack, Andrew, Camoron, Nash and Anthony all rushed outside.

" Lilly what's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?" JC asked worriedly
" C-Connor." I said crying hysterically and JC holding me tightly trying to clam me down.
" Lilly what's wrong with Connor?" Andrea asked.
" He got into a car accident!" I manged to say.

        As soon as I said it, everyone was in shock, then Ricky's phone rang. He quickly answered it.

Ricky's P.O.V.
        After hearing what Lilly just said, my phone rang I didn't bother looking at the caller id, because I was so in shock of what I just heard.

" Hello is this Ricky Dillon?" A lady who's voice I didn't recognized asked me. 

" Yes this is me." I said

" Mr. Dillon we have a Connor Franta. He was in car accident and you were on his emergency contact list." the operator said.

" Is he ok? How is he?" I said worried and scared.

" Unfortunately I do not have news on how he is right now, he is in surgery as we are speaking." She replied.

" Ok I'm on my way." I said and hung up.

As soon as I hung up everyone started to ask me questions all at once.

" I don't know, the operator said that he's in surgery right now. I'm going to the hospital right now." I said.

" I'm coming with you." Lilly said crying hysterically.

" Who else is coming?" I said and JC, Aylin, Noah, Kian, and Andrea. While Jenn stays home with Jack, Andrew, Cameron, Nash, Mackenzie, and Anthony.

Lilly's P.O.V
After deciding who was going to see Connor and who was going to stay home, I ran straight up the stairs, but fell on the last couple of stairs. Then I started to cry again, and JC rushed to my side.

" Its my fault, I'm the reason he's hurt." I said crying hysterically.

" Hey, hey, shh, it's not your fault baby."
JC said holding me in his arms.

When I finally stopped crying JC took me to my room and got out so I could change. As soon as I got dressed, Noah, JC, and I got into my car, JC got into the driver's seat. Meanwhile Ricky, Aylin, Kian,and Andrea, all went in Kian's car. When we arrived at the parking lot of the hospital, we got out of the car and started walking towards the building, JC was right by my side.

"It's going to be ok Lilly." Aylin said walking beside JC and I, and Ricky's arm around her shoulder.

"Hopefully." I replied wrapping both of my arms around JC and layed my head on his chest, and he kissed the top of my head.

  Ricky's P.O.V.     

After Andrea figured out what floor Connor was on everyone went up, except for Aylin and I, I needed a minute. 

" Are you ok?" Aylin asked wrapping her arms around my neck, and I put my hands on her waist.

" No,not really." I replied, tearing up a bit, and she pulled me in a hug. 

" Like I told Lilly everything is going to be okay." She said as I pulled away from the hug and 
she smiled slightly. I couldn't wait much longer so I kissed her.

" I've been waiting for you to do that." She said smiling and giving me one last kiss before we went to the floor Connor was on. 

JC's P.O.V

We were all waiting in the dull waiting room for Connor to come out of surgery. Ricky and Aylin arrived and right on time so did the doctor.

" Are you all here for Mr.Franta?" The doctor said we all nodded and Lilly stood up.

" How is he, is he awake?" Lilly said asking worriedly. I got up and stood next to her wrapping my arms around her. 

" Everything went well, he is in his room resting right now. We have contacted his parents and they will be here tomorrow morning from Minnesota. In the meantime we need one of you to stay overnight with him."

" I will, I'll stay the night." Lilly said.

" Ok then Mr. Franta is in room 20, you can go in whenever the rest decide to leave." the doctor said and left.

Everyone said their goodbyes to Lilly and started to walk out to the cars, leaving me behind to say goodbye to Lilly. I wasn't happy with the idea of her staying the night, but I know if I stopped her from staying she'll be upset. I walked over to her and I wrapped my hands around her waist.

" Look I know you're not happy with me staying, yes I know you're upset, I can see it in your eyes. I just have to say somethings to him." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

" What do you have to say to him?" I asked her.

" I just need to clear some stuff, I'll tell you tomorrow. You should get going Noah and everyone else must be waiting for you. " She said to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.  I left still unconvinced, but I know I should trust her.

Lilly's P.O.V

After JC left, I headed to the room Connor was in. When I made it to the room, I stayed out for a minute, I wasn't ready to him yet. When I was finally ready to go in, I saw Connor laying on the sleeping. He had burises all over, it hurt to see him that way, I couldn't take it anymore I brusted into tears. I went over and sat on the chair next to the bed. 

" Hi Connor, I'm so sorry this happended to you." I said grabbing his hand and with my other hand I wipped my tears. 

" It's ok, wasn't your fault." I hear Connor say weakly.

Connor's P.O.V 

She looked 
up at me her eyes were red and puffy but no matter what she still looked beautiful. She was still holding my hand I gave it a gentle squeeze. 

" Nothings your fault, I shouldn't have went out the house like. You were right I did have the chance to ask you but I didn't, but just so you'll know I will wait for you no matter what." I said looking at a now crying Lilly again. 

" Connor, I came here to tell you to stay away from me, but the thing is I know as much as we try not too see each other it's going to be impossible and on top of that I don't think I could stay away from you." Lilly said leaning towards me, I tired to lean in but it was impossible. Then I felt her lips on mine, I know this isn't good but I'm in love with her and this time I didn't make the first move. 

        After the kiss Lilly Looked at me and smiled, and I returned the smile. I scooted over as much as I could and patted the bed.

" Come lay with me." I said 

" Ok." She smiled and layed next to me without hurting me, I then pulled her in for another kiss, she smiled under the kiss. Soon the both of us fell asleep, I tried to wrap my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, trying not to hurt myself. We sure do have a lot to talk about tomorrow. 

Hello everyone Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did and like my story so far if you haven't already  PLEASE favorite, comment, and follow me. Until next Chapter bye!  

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