Where Is Amy?

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As Nia talked to police officers telling them what happens she notices that Amy left her phone. She turns it on and notices that she has a text.

BFF ♥️

BESTIEE!!!! Are you coming to the school with me tonite? it's gonna be super lit 😛 xoxo

"Nevermind officers, I know exactly where she is, but thanks for your help.

Anytime" They reply as Nia shows them the door.

Once they leave, Nia grabs her jacket, keys and her and Amy's phones.

She rushed to the door and leaves the house.

When she gets to Amy's school she scatters the halls looking for her. "AMY!" She yells

Suddenly, she hears loud music. It's the same music that Amy was playing when she escaped.

She follows the music which leads her to the auditorium.

When she goes in there, she sees Amy on stage. Rapping and dancing. And she's doing a great job too.

Nia wants to be angry, but her daughter is following in her footsteps. Her daughter is rapping in a talent show and is doing great.

At the end of the show, Amy even wins first place. 

Nia is in such a loss for words, all she does is hug Amy and cry as they both leave and walk to the car.

Backstage is someone that Amy doesn't get along with.

"Ugh, she thinks she can rap! That's terrible! Wait until everyone on YouTube sees how horrible she is! She'll never show her face in school ever again." The boys says as he posts the video to YouTube.

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