"words will never hurt me" - John R. Gage

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Hey guys! Jasiline Shadow is BACK BABY! lol anywho Time to get this show on the road! This chapter is also for my friend @Odysseyauthor If you haven't read this dude's story then you are missing out! see all the stories of this wonderful Amigo! They are so fuera de este mundo! Out of this world! *everyone claps and cheers for Odysseyauthor* My friend, Odysseyauthor, join me in one of my chapters! also here's an ask for Johnny, Roy, Cap, Mike, and Marco...oh and chet too. :P Chet is last by the way! Chet be nice to Johnny! For that "Cap can Chet get latrine duty for the next five months? :P" "oh and another question. the original. when things got bad, and one of the mothers or fathers of the children that pass on young is in the heat of the moment, does it hurt that they say such things?" Anyway. ONTO THE CHAPTER!! lol *everyone cheers and whistles happily* 


Johnny woke up the next day in the dorm of station 51 and was the first to wake up because he couldn't sleep very well. he was in a depressed mood. getting dressed and walking to the kitchen sitting on the couch sighing. the others woke up three hours after Johnny. they noticed his behavior and were all confused. this went on all their shifts. their last shift Johnny never spoke to anyone. after their shift was over Johnny immediately got dressed and was the first to go home. he laid in bed all day and was having nightmares at night screaming in fear as he woke up and doing what he would never do in front of anyone. not even his friends. he started crying! the nightmares about his past came back. He cried all night and soon after his off days were over he was late for work. well. he didn't show up for work actually. Captain Stanley broke in a sub for Johnny until they found out what happened. Station 51 responded to a MVA with four cars rammed into each other and mangled. not even looking like cars anymore. Roy looked around and gasped as he saw a white land rover mangled up and on it's side as another car crushed it. an arm appeared out of the window of the driver's side. Once they got the car off it the hand revealed Johnny. all bloody and injured badly. hours passed and they finally got Johnny to rampart and into surgery after Dr. Early found out he had internal bleeding as well as a collapsed lung. after surgery Johnny was put in ICU for recovery. Roy and the gang visited the sleeping Johnny as time passed. on the fourth day of their visit Johnny woke up and groaned in pain as he tried to sit up. Roy gently laid him down while cooing. "shhh. Johnny lay down. you're alright. it's okay" He said softly. Johnny weakly looked at Roy as silent tears flooded his cheeks. whispering words Roy never heard from his partner and best friend before. "I failed..." Roy let out a low growl as did Cap, Mike, Marco, Chet, and Brice. wait. Brice?! Johnny was shocked at first then just let out a sob. not caring if anyone heard anymore. days go by and Johnny was back to work being comforted by Roy, Mike, Chet, Marco, and Cap. one day the mother of that child that passed away and blamed johnny walk in the station. what's going on? why is she here? 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys! hope you liked the chapter. sorry for the delay and the shortness of the chapter. I'm not feeling too good today. anyway as always later gators and remember Stay astrous My shadow pack! :) PEACE!


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