Father/son/Big brother time

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Hey guys! Jasiline here! I couldn't find the right pic for this chapter so I picked a song I thought would go great with it instead! hope you like this chapter! I put my heart and soul into it! like I did my other chapters! anywho lets get on with the chapter! 

Cap: Johnny, this isn't your fault. keep in mind you are a son to me and if anything bad happened to you I would 100% be there. stop being hard on yourself. there is no way you've known that the little boy would've died. --shhhh it's okay. let it out. that's right let it all out. good boy 

Roy: *sigh* man why is this always happening to Johnny? he's a good man. I can't believe that someone would blame him for something he couldn't control! ugh! ---Oh Johnny it's alright. you'll be okay. it's not your fault. 


Johnny was in the Caps office talking to him with Roy at his side. Cap sighed and hugged Johnny which made him break down as Roy and Cap comforted him. "shhhh, Johnny you're okay. shhh. it's okay. everything will be okay. that's it. let it all out. good boy. there there." He soothed as Johnny sobbed in Caps arms. he felt safe, warmth, and love. he also felt wanted and needed. Station 51 is his home. Roy rubbed Johnny's back softly and soothingly. "we're here for you every step of the way, Junior. we love you. don't ever forget that." Roy said as Johnny started calming down and fell asleep in Hank Stanley's arms. 

Hank smiled and picked up Johnny. taking him to the dorms and tucking him in. He and Roy stayed with him until he woke up. he looked like an abused child that was finally at peace and was free and protected. Station 51 is his home and Marco, Mike, Chet, and Roy are his big brothers and their captain was their father. Cap was 51's dad. 

Johnny smiled as he slept. curled up. he didn't feel pain or loneliness or any negative feelings. he felt happy. joyful. peaceful. loved. wanted. needed. protected. all those positive feelings. and to their luck and johnny's luck the tones didn't go off all day. everything in Station 51 was peaceful. Johnny had a good days an nights rest. something everyone needed. 


Hey guys! hope you enjoyed the chapter! comment down below what you think and if you think of any suggestions for another story I could write out or a truth or dare i could make please suggest those awesome Ideas in the comments below! anyway well thats all for now and remember----

Station 51 and me: Keep calm and watch Emergency everyone! BAIIIIIII! *all Le poof* 

Jasiline out! 

PEACE *disappears in a puff of smoke* 

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