"do you love me?"

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Hey hey hey! Jasiline here with another amazing chapter oooooffff.....EMERGENCY!!!!! *crowd cheers and whistles happily* okay okay. calm down. but first we have a special guest! 

Johnny: ooo! who is it?! who is it?! 

Cap: *chuckles* Johnny, calm down. come sit on my lap, son. 

Johnny: kayyy. *sits on Cap's lap and curls up in a ball.* 

Roy: okay so who is it? 

Me: Thats cute. anyway it is...drum roll please! 

Roy, Chet, Marco, and Mike: *Drum Rolls* 

Me: It's odysseyauthor! Guys this is My friend. also the Best amazing person ever and the one who inspired me to do this EMERGENCY story! and not to mention the best story writer in all the Galaxies. yes you heard right folks! the best in ALL GALAXIES! Give odysseyauthor a round of applause! *everyone claps and whistles and cheers for odysseyauthor* okay. now. ONTO THE CHAPTERRRRRRRRR!!!!! *Crowd screams and goes wild since odysseyauthor, Jasiline and Shadow's friend, is in this chapter* *Jasiline and Shadow Chuckle* 

Shadow and Jasiline: on with the show. 


Johnny was in the back of the station singing (https://youtu.be/LFqPctsPgek) 

"Mama never taught me how to love
Daddy never taught me how to feel
Mama never taught me how to touch
Daddy never showed me how to heal!
Mama never set a good example
Daddy never held mama's hand
Mama found everything hard to handle, daddy never stood up like a man!
I've walked around, broken
Emotionally frozen
Getting it on, getting it wrong
How do you love someone without getting hurt?
How do you love someone without crawling in the dirt?!
So far in my life, clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone?!
How do you love, how do you love someone?
I was always the chosen child
The biggest scandal I became
They told me I'd never survive
But survival's my middle name!
I've walking around hoping
Just barely coping
Getting on, getting it wrong
How do you love someone without getting hurt?
How do you love someone without crawling in the dirt?!
So far in my life, clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone?!
How do you love, how do you love someone?
It's hard to talk
To see what's deep inside
It's hard to tell the truth
When you've always lied!
How do you love someone without getting hurt?
How do you love someone without crawling in the dirt?!
So far in my life, clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone?!
How do you love someone and make it last?
How do you love someone without tripping on the past?!
So far in my life, clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone?
How do you love, how do you love someone, someone"

Johnny sat there crying as sang in an angel's voice. sitting at the top of Station 51's water tower that was in the back of Station 51. once the song was over he sobbed and screamed out. once done screaming he sobbed some more as he watched the sun set as he remember his past. Roy, Mike, Chet (Yes. Chet too), Marco, and Cap stood at the entrance to the back of station 51 getting angry and worried because Johnny is hurt. Cap walked to the water tower looking up and his hands up to catch Johnny. "John...come here." He said softly getting Johnny's attention. Johnny Jumped into Cap's arms and cried while being held securely and protectively. Johnny felt safe and loved. soon he calmed down and was soon fast asleep in Cap's arms being carried to the kitchen and set on his lap to rest while Chet cooked. once dinner was done and ready Cap felt Johnny stir as he woke up as his eyes slowly fluttered open at the smell of dinner. He sat on the couch and rubbed his eyes to stay awake. He was served first which made him have a puzzled expression on his face but smiled small and began eating. Johnny, Roy, Marco, Mike, and Cap all ended up in the hospital sick. Johnny moaned as his stomach gurgled. Chet smiled sheepishly as Marco, Mike, Cap, Roy, and Johnny all glare at him Johnny held his stomach and threw up in a bucket as Dixie walked in and gave Chet the lecture of a lifetime. at the end of that shift the guys all ended up back at the station working as usual. Johnny was starting to feel better but he still didn't have the guts to forgive the childless mother that blamed him for her child's death. He couldn't find it in him to do it. He was scared. 

To Be Continued....


Hey hey! Jasiline and Shadow here. we hope you guys enjoyed this wonderful Chapter. I was gonna put Odysseyauthor in it but I didn't know what to say or do. but I will put you in the next chapter. just 3 more chapters and I'm finished! wow I feel sad now...I really enjoyed making this story. hey I know! I'll make a sequal! how would you like to read a sequal to this EMERGENCY story?! comment down below if you want there to be a Sequal. well see you next time in this.....EMERGENCY! 

Have a Totally Terrific Tuesday! BYYYEEEE

Emergency cast, Me, and Odysseyauthor: Bye guys! have an EMERGENCY day! and remember....Keep calm and Watch EMERGENCY! *all laugh and disappear in a puff of smoke* 

Bye guys! 


PEACE!!!! *Disappears in a puff of smoke* 

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