"Christmas EMERGENCY style!~" (part 2)

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Hey hey hey! Jasiline, Shadow, and Ody-chan here! and this is the second part to the other chapter. so as always. enjoy. and remember keep those turnout coats on because this chapter is gonna be so hot you'll NEED to put it out! hahahaha~!


Johnny was sleeping soundly in his pally's arms while Cap and Vince talked to the childless parents as the mother was getting yelled at and scolded by the father and apologizing to Cap, Vince, Roy, Mike, Marco,Ody,  and sleeping Johnny as well as the chief for what his wife had caused and did. and for his own actions as well. glad he didn't hurt the poor guy. the wife was arrested for assaulting and hurting Johnny. she went to court and few days later he testified against her hiding behind his family of 51 and the chief as she screamed and hurt him again. she was taken away and put in jail for hurting Johnny again and Johnny was sent to the hospital with a bunch of bruises and cuts and a deep gash on his chest that needed stitching. who knew the woman had a knife with her in her pocket! 

                                                                 ~4 days after stitches and healing~

Johnny healed fast and was back in business at work all smiles and happy. it was the best day ever. he hugged Cap, Roy, Mike, Marco, and Chet giggling. "thanks for being there for me...My wounds still hurt but not as much as when I actually got them. um....Thanks dad....and big brothers...." He blushed. and soon things were finally back to normal. Mike quiet as always. Marco making dinner. Chet picking on Johnny and he and Johnny arguing. Roy stopping the argument before it got out of hand. and cap'n Stanley enjoying the sight of his family like normal and giving Chet latrine duty for a month. 

Same old Station. Same old shift. Same old crew. Same old family. 

Same old every day life of firefighters and firefighter/paramedics. Same old Job. hahahah. 

                                                                  THE END 
well...until next time. *giggles evily*


Hey hey hey! sorry to end this chapter short but it's the end. this story is done. well....THERE IS A SEQUAL! *crowd goes wild* okay okay. it wasn't much but this is a bonus chapter. so if you want another chapter done I will  do it! also remember to keep those helmets on and turnout coats on to protect you because the sequal to "Sticks and Stones...." is a blazin' wild fire! super hot! don't forget those oxygen masks and tanks. don't want ya' getting smoke inhalation now. anyway also here's our special guest! Ody-chan! but she's called Odysseyauthor! so look her up and read her stories! amazing! got me to tears! hahaha! here she is!

Ody-chan: HI GUYS! Odysseyauthor here and I'm so glad to be back on here. It's my honor to be here!

Jasiline and Shadow: oh shucks. it was an honor having you here! We would also love it if you were in our sequal to "Sticks and Stones...."!

Ody-chan: oh really?! thanks so much! anyway guys yea. check me out and my stories! they will bring you to tears! so until next time...

Jasiline, Shadow, Ody-chan, Johnny, Roy, Cap, Mike, Marco, Dix, Chet, Kel, Joe and Morton: BYEE!!!!!!! see you in the sequal to "Sticks and Stones...." and remember to keep calm and watch emergency! *laughs and disappears in a puff of smoke*


PEACE!!!! <3

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