Chapter 1: Rooftop Rendez-vous

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A/n: Here we are again! Some of you may have seen this story before. Well, here it is again, masterfully retconned to match the prologue. Some lore and writing mistakes have been fixed as well!

PLEASE critique! If you think something is wrong or my writing style needs improvement, please let me know! I hope you enjoy!


It was an average day. Helping to defend the world from chaos was a good day for you. Your nights, however, were a bit more exciting.

Whether it was curling up with a good book, a good movie, or going out to a party, your nights were never boring. This next night would not prove differently.

The sun hung low in the sky. You were just walking home to prepare yourself a great dinner. As you stopped at the door, you felt... strange. An uneasy feeling shadowed over you. It was feeling you had associated with being watched. But when you looked over your shoulder, no one was there, and the uneasy feeling went away. You shrugged it off as just late-night paranoia.

You walked in, cooked your great dinner, and began to relax. You turned your TV on, tuned it to the marathon movies channel, and made yourself comfortable. You were not going to move until you fell asleep.

About half an hour into your movie, you heard a thunk on your roof. You assumed it was just a falling tree branch. That idea would be dismissed by the power cutting out soon after.

"What the hell..." The uneasy feeling crept back over you, and you walked outside to look around.

To your ultimate surprise, there was someone standing on your roof!

"Who's there?" You shouted up to the person. No response. Instead, they lept - literally jumped - right on the roof of another house without issue. They turned to face you. It seemed that the unknown person was beckoning for you to follow. You ran up a nearby hill and made a huge jump to your rooftop. You nearly missed, but your skills you gained as an Overwatch agent got you across safely. The mysterious person - they appeared to be a woman - continued jumping from roof to roof with incredible ease. You followed at your own speed, determined to find out the meaning of this intrusion.

After a while, she vanished from your sight. Your feet landed on the roof where you last saw her. Your eyes darted around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the strange woman.


"Well, this has been a complete waste of my time," you grumbled, pulling out your phone to create a route for you to walk home.


Something made contact with your head, and you were sent sprawling. Dazed, you stood up slowly. No one was around. But you heard a voice.

"What have we here? A lonely, lost little Overwatch agent?" The voice cooed.

"Who's there?" You called, wiping away the blood from your cheek. "Show yourself!"

"As you wish."

At the last second, you ducked, and a leg sailed over your head. You quickly rolled away and faced the mysterious woman.

You had heard many of your companions speak of Widowmaker, the beautiful and ruthless Talon assassin who was once  an ally of Overwatch. She was married to Gerard Laćroix, a high-ranking Overwatch agent. However, she was captured and brainwashed into killing Gerard and joining Talon. Her name brought an atmosphere of fear whenever it was spoken, and you often saw those speaking of her look over their shoulder, as if saying her name summoned her. You had definitely heard of her, but you had never expected her to come after you.

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