Chapter 4: Panic

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WARNING: The saga is going to get darker from here. I can't name any specific stuff, so just take care. This is your one warning.


"We want you to join us, Y/n."

Those words echoed through your mind.

A month had passed since then, and you had accepted. Well, in actuality, you pretended to accept, and would wait until they set you loose on a mission to escape. If that didn't work, you were willing to wait for the others to come and break you out.

At least, that's what you hoped would happen.

It was strange, wearing a uniform with Talon's logo emblazoned on it. You sorely missed your Overwatch battle armor. Everything about Talon's base of operations made you uncomfortable. You had no idea where it was in the world.

At least you were in the inner circle, if you could call it that. One of your teammates, Sombra, the hacker with the bionic implants, always scared you by finding out the most hidden details of your life. She would just call them out, sometimes when there were others in the room, and it took all of your willpower not to retaliate. She didn't seem too malicious, however, and you suspected that she had her own motives.

Then there was Reaper. If that was even his real name. Cloaked in black and hidden behind a mask, he was easily the most evil of the bunch. Once, you walked in on him... feeding. Or whatever he does to regenerate himself after a battle. He's appeared in quite a few of your nightmares, and you did your best to avoid him whenever you could.

And always Amelie. Whenever you thought she wasn't looking, she was there. Watching your every move from a distance. Studying you. Most of the time, you caught her looking. Every time you did, however, she would just walk away without saying a word. Every time you had tried to talk to her, she wouldn't speak to you.

She had pretended to love you in order to recruit you for Talon. You had to keep reminding yourself of this.

No, you couldn't let yourself get distracted. This was your new mission now: Find out everything you could about Talon, escape, and help Overwatch bring them down. That was the goal.

And maybe, just maybe, you could bring her with you.

One day, things got complicated.

You were sitting in your room when what sounded like an explosion rocked the building. Taking a peek outside, you saw Talon soldiers rushing to get their equipment.

"What's going on?" You stopped a grunt.

"Overwatch agent." That's all he said before he ran off.

This was it, you thought, the others are here to save me!

You rushed out, taking care to avoid the other soldiers, and quickly found yourself outside, in the airship hangar. One of the airships exploded as soon as you looked at it, flying debris everywhere.

And in the distance, you thought you saw...


She looked in your direction and waved, calling out your name.

Tears began to pool in your eyes. You had never been more happy to see her, and you were more than willing to blast this place apart with her.

You began to run in her direction. Closer and closer, you were going to tackle her with a hug. Closer and closer, she spread out her arms. Closer, closer -

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