Interlude: Sombra's Question

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A/n: Switching gears for this short intermission-style chapter.

PLEASE critique! If you think something is wrong or my writing style needs improvement, please let me know! As always, I hope you enjoy!


The transition was hard, and extremely painful. But you were strong.

Late last night, Amelie told you that Overwatch recently put out a bounty on you: $300,000,000 dead. This cemented the idea that Overwatch was no longer your ally.

After that talk, and some much needed rest, you awoke to find a note on your pillow. It simply read:

"On a mission. Will talk when I return. - Amelie"

This was naturally upsetting, but you trusted her.

Later that day, you were on target practice when an unfamiliar hand tapped your shoulder. You turned your head to see Sombra, the hacker girl.

"Hola," she greeted you with a moderately indifferent tone. At the same time, her eyes watched you with keen interest.

"Can I help you with something, Sombra?" You turned to face her, lowering your rifle.

"Follow me. I got something to show you." She began to walk away from the firing range. You reluctantly trailed behind.

"So, how's the Talon life?" She smirked at you.

"Well, I can't say for sure that it's not interesting," you began, "but it could be a little better."

"How so?" She began to type at a holographic screen as you walked with her.

"My room isn't exactly comfortable," you confessed. "It could be bigger."

"I can make some arrangements..." she looked at you with a sly smile. "If you want, that is."

You raised an eyebrow. This was a touch strange. Sombra had never really gone out of her way to help you before.

"What's the catch?" You went for the elephant in the room.

Sombra chuckled.

"Why do you think there's a catch? Maybe I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart." She stopped to bat her eyelashes at you. You grinned.

"With someone like you, there's always a catch." You were honest.

"You don't trust me?" She made an exaggerated frowny face, while resting her finger on her chin.

"Not yet!" You shrugged.

She was defeated.

"Ugh, fine, there's a catch." She walked close to you. "Was Amelie the only reason you joined us?" She stared at you dead-on. "Be honest!"

This caught you off-guard, but you decided to answer honestly.

"No. She's the main reason, but not the only one." You began. "I had a feeling that you guys would kill me, or worse, try to torture or brainwash me if I refused." You stared off. "That and... seeing as how Overwatch betrayed me, I don't really have a family anymore."

Sombra's sarcastic outside melted away for a moment, and she looked genuinely upset.

"I... didn't expect that. Sorry," she offered.

You were indifferent. Talon had you a bit more apathetic than emotional.

"It happens, I guess. You don't always know your friends." Truthfully, you were hurt badly by Overwatch's betrayal. Especially at the hands of your oldest friend. But you couldn't show it. No weakness.

Sombra seemed to empathize.

"Yeah, I know a little of what that's like. But that's a story for another time."

You nodded.

"So," you redirected, "what was it you wanted to show me?"

Sombra's eyes lit up. She guided you into what seemed to be her temporary quarters. Taking something from a drawer, she outstretched her arm to you.

"Take it," she said.

It was a purple microchip with her skull insignia.

"Plug it in to your headset. It's not a virus, I promise!" She held her hands up. "It's a way for me to help you. If you ever find yourself in need of my help, no matter what situation, call for Sombra. It's a direct feed to me." She explained.

You held the microchip, examining it carefully.

"This must be something you trust very few with." You rose your eyes to her.

"Then consider yourself worthy of my trust," she whispered with a wink. "I'll get that bigger room for you, amigo."

You smiled, thanking her, and walked away with the microchip. Maybe she was worth trusting after all.

When you arrived back at your quarters, Amelie was sitting on the metal stool.

"Hi," you gasped. You didn't think she was returning so soon.

"Sit down," she asked. "I told you we would talk when I came back, so we will. About some important things."

You nodded, closing the door behind you. This was going to be a long night.


A/n: Wanted to try something a little different, so this.

Thank you so much for reading! Keep an eye out for the next chapter, I'll see you then.

Sombra, Widowmaker, Overwatch, and all the characters belong to Blizzard Entertainment. You, the reader, belong to you.

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