~Chapter 14~

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~Natsu's Pov~ 

Erza, Gray and I moved in front of Levy and Lucy as Zeref had a dark purple glow coming off him. "Name yourself" he ordered loudly as unknown's sights were towards us. Toward Lucy. I notice many get annoyed that this person didn't answer Zeref. The person vanished and showed up in front of me looking right at me. "You ain't getting past me bastard" I spoke harshly as they smirked throwing their fist at me but I stood my ground ready to take it. They stopped right in front of my face as I didn't flinch or blink.

They burst into laughter. "A corrupted" Levy spoke scared behind me. Erza had a sword show in her hand and put the blade at the unknown's neck. "I would answer King Zeref" she spoke in a serious tone as the unknown looked toward Erza and then Gray. "The Past Heros. Fairy Tail" the person spoke as many were quiet looking toward us. "You once was ready to kill the Dark Wizard yet you all stand here now buddies with his soon to be bride?" he then asked moving his head between the three of us.

"Lu?" Levy asked as I turned my head to see Lucy standing taking deep breaths as the cut on her head was healing itself. "Who are you?" Lucy asked as the unknown looked toward her. "My name is Kay. Lord Jason wanted information as well wanting you brought to him if I could" he soon spoke as my fist burst into flames as I looked toward the unknown fully. "Not happening" I spoke as he laughed once more. "Dragon cares for the Phoenix" he spoke as blood burst out his mouth as Irene was behind him a sword going through the unknowns back.

"I heard enough, he is a corrupted, he must die before we all turn into his kind" Irene spoke pulling the sword out as the person turned his head shocking me as he was still standing. "Big boom" he spoke as his body started to glow red. "TAKE COVER" Brandish shouted as Gray and I moved fast. I covered Lucy while Gray covered Levy as Erza had changed armor, holding a shield big enough to cover us all as a huge explosion took place. I watched as Erza's shield was started to melt as soon a dark purple bubble was trapping the explosion into one place. 

Erza's armor and shield vanish as she was out of breath. "You two alright?" I asked Levy and Lucy as they nodded. "The heat and flames are still going" Dimaria spoke in shock as Lucy looked away as Levy was looking toward her worried. "So what are the corrupted?" Erza soon asked as Zeref walked over toward us. "A group of people who follow the Dark Phoenix with their lifes, they don't mean to but a spell that can spread is what makes them, the spell can easy be spread to another" Zeref answered.

"Lucy Irene and her team will be watching over you and you are not to leave the castle grounds" Zeref soon spoke as Lucy moved forward to stand in front of him. "My temple and my own people are targets as well, I have to protect them" Lucy spoke putting the people first as Zeref put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "You are the their target you will put them in more danger. I want you to stay safe Lucy" Zeref spoke as Lucy sighed looking toward the ground. "Levy, Brandish please take Lucy to her room" Zeref then spoke as Levy and the green haired girl walked over to Lucy.

"Irene double the guards and get a team around Lucy. Larcade and August work on the shield" Zeref spoke as his people nodded walking around as Levy, Brandish and Lucy headed inside. "Something else is up" I whispered as Gray and Erza nodded. Lucy backed down way to easy. That wasn't like the old her we used to know. "How do we figure it out? Lucy won't open up fully" Gray whispered as Erza put her hands on our shoulders. "We wait, she will soon" Erza answered as we both then nodded. 

"So rumors about you Fairies are true" Dimaria was looking toward us walking over. Her sword showed in her gauntlet as she aimed it toward us. "How do I know you won't attack Lucy or Zeref? Even that corrupted knew better but to question you" Dimaria soon asked getting many looks to come toward us. "Even so the pinkie is Lord Zeref's brother making him our Prince" Irene a male with white hair walked over looking toward us. "So what? They was coming to attack Lord Zeref anyway" Dimaria replied.

"True so how do you three answer?" the unknown spoke as Erza lifted her hand up keeping me and Gray quiet as she stepped forward. "We follow Lucy's ideas and plans. We would never do anything to put her in danger or to upset her" Erza spoke as the unknown pushed glasses up his nose that covered his red eyes. "Invel stand down" Ultear's voice snapped as she walked over standing in front of Erza. "Ultear you dare speak to someone higher rank than you like that?" this Invel snapped in rage as Ultear had her green orb show next to her.

"You are nothing but some pest Invel so back off they are under protection as Priestess Lucy's guards and guest" Ultear replied as Invel went forward until a spear made of flames showed in front of him the flames were a golden colour as Ultear smirked. "Lady Lucy agrees with me" Ultear spoke closing her eyes as Invel looked upward annoyed as we followed his sights to see Lucy at a balcony her Priestess outfit fixed. "Invel you dare lay hand on a human? You dare lay hand on Lord Zeref's guest and brother?" Lucy asked harshly.

Her eyes giving off a red glow. "Of course not, Priestess Lucy" Invel replied harshly as I turned my head to see him walk off looking pissed. "Dimaria lower your sword they will not be attacking Lord Zeref or they will face my punishment" Lucy then spoke as Dimaria listened to her words, making the sword vanish. "Better let me in on that if they do" Dimaria walked off heading toward a group of guards. "Lucy Heartfilla get back in here and rest you are not back to normal after using your magic again" we heard Levy nearly shout.

Lucy shook her head sighing heading inside. "Lucy basically saved our asses there" Erza mumbled. 

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