~Chapter 25~

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~Lucy's Pov~ 

Zeref and I was training until later afternoon to where we went outside in the garden laughing with Erza, Juliet and Heine staying not far away acting as guards. Juliet trying to get Erza to laugh or smile but she kept a serious face. Soon the wind picked up as my chest started to hurt. "Lucy?" Zeref asked worried as our guards moved close getting weapons ready. "Jason" I whispered looking at Zeref worried as the wind was getting worse and worse. Soon a burst of flames came in front of us.

Zeref moved in front of me as the flames turned into Jason. "Hello Lucy" Jason spoke as I fell onto my chest hurting even more as I was able to feel the shield at the temple be under attack. Our three guards were in front of Zeref ready to attack. "A red head, ginger and black haired girls new guards huh? I'm used the the big dude and little miss weakness" Jason spoke as the pain was getting worse. "Girls" Zeref spoke as Juliet threw pink poo from her hands landing on Jason's feet as he went to walk forward but was unable to move his feet.

He was slightly shocked as rings came from Heine's wrist flying hitting Jason from all angles from how fast they they moving. Erza made two swords show in her hands as she rushed toward Jason the swords having a slight red glow as Jason smirked. "H-he's getting stronger" I whispered as Jason sent out a blast wave sending everyone and everything around him. The flowers died and burst into black flames. Heine, Juliet and Erza were sent flying through the castle walls as Zeref was also. 

I got onto my feet only to fall back onto the ground again. "Phoenix Protection" I nearly shouted a shield going around the castle as I felt the shield at the temple rebuilding itself. I glared toward Jason who was standing over me. "I heard you missed these" he spoke making my old pouch with my keys inside show in his hands. My eyes widen looking toward them as Jason stepped back. "You can have them back if you come with me and join my people" Jason spoke offering me his other hand.

I glared at him as I knew me joining him would be the end of every race there was. "How about she never does that" Erza spoke showing up behind Jason cutting off his arm as my keys fell to the ground. Erza sent a blast from her swords sending Jason flying away from us as Erza picked up my keys throwing them to me. I caught them as I felt their magic still connected to me. My eyes watered holding them. "I have you guys back" I whispered as I pulled out Loke's key. I closed my eyes feeling the dark magic over the key.

"Come on Loke you always passed through the gate and forced it open, help me force it back open, please" I whispered as I opened my eyes seeing a seal show up under me. It was Loke's seal. I smiled closing my eyes again holding the other keys and Loke's tight. "Help me, please. I failed you once, please help me one last time" I spoke feeling the magic of Earthland. I was able to hear Erza battling Jason and losing as I was also able to hear Irene joining the battle. It wasn't long until alarms were going off around the castle.

Echos of battle showing around. "STASH FACE" I shouted opening my eyes as a giant seal showed up in the sky above getting Erza and Jason to freeze looking toward it. "CELESTIAL SPIRIT KING OPEN THE GATE, HELP US" I then shouted as they heard me. They was able to hear me still. With the keys I could let them hear me. The seal in the sky started to glow as I got onto my feet, wobbly at first as I felt my magic getting drained. "Aquarius" I whispered a tear going down my cheek.

"Are you really going to let Jason keep those gates closed and tell you what you can or cannot do?" I asked as in seconds the seal turning into a blinding light. Everyone around the castle would of gotten blinded by the seal as once the light died down the Celestail Spirit King was in it's place. He was holding his sword looking down as Jason stepped back turning his head to me. "They heard my call" I whispered my eyes watering as I fell backwards into someones arms. I saw it was Zeref's. 

"Hold on" he whispered as I was taking deep breaths feeling my magic on a low as Erza and Irene were both holding swords aiming them toward Jason both in the same stance. They looked basically like the same person from the view I was in. "Stand down" Irene ordered her voice harsh and cold as Jason glared at me. "Gate of the lion.....Loke" I whispered the chant feeling the last of my magic be drained as soon Loke was in front of me, looking just the same as he was so long ago.

"We heard you all this time Lucy, we never stopped listening to your words" Loke spoke sorting out his tie as he turned his head smiling toward me. I felt tears building up. "Loke" I whispered weak at the spirit I called family as he rushed ahead toward Jason getting into a close combat fight. Erza was catching her breath while Irene was giving Loke enchantments. "Old Friend, our battle to open the gates for good is no over" Celestail Spirit King's voice echoed around as Zeref helped me to stay on my feet.

"Use my power" he whispered in my ear as I pulled him into a quick kiss. He was shocked by it but it was the painless way to take power from another. I turned my head to the Celestail Spirit King as I saw a seal show under me and Zeref. "Friend, aim toward the stars" Celestail Spirit King aimed his sword toward the air as I closed my eyes feeling the magic in me grow by the second. I then shouted a certain chant.

"Urano Metria"

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