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Sorry guys I have had major writers block but I am back now so here we go.

I take a hot shower wiping away my filth. But some how still feeling dirty. I get out putting on some of my own clothes for once that are very baggy. I sigh as I look at my pale bony face. I scrub with hot water and wipe it dry. I grab my razor as I shave with shaky hands. I set the razor down taking deep calming breaths. I look away from the mirror not being able to look at my ugly self any longer. I grab a jacket from my bed and your beanie putting it on my head. I lock the house up tight making sure everything lock and shut a second time. I walk over to are car staring at it. I open the door sitting down and shutting the door gently. I sit there for I don't know how long just staring at nothing. My heart racing as memories flood back to us first buying the car and us getting this flat. I close my eyes tight trying to block the memories from my brain. I open my eyes and start the car making my way to the boys flat. I pull up 30 minutes later. I slowly walk up to the door licking my lips and forming a fake smile on my lips. I can do this I have to for you Louis. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. A few seconds later I hear shuffling. The door opens.............

This is going to be two parts okay so please comment my ...... my idk man I suck at this. Well baiiiiiii

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