2. In Cold Blood II

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I was sat eating my breakfast some mornings later. My father had been anxious about the French for some time but that morning he came rushing in, almost looking as if he could jump off of the rooftops and fly.

My mother and I rose from our seats and curtsied but before we even got the chance to finish my father spoke.

"They've accepted it! They're going to hold a summit in France!" He cheered. My mother and I applauded greatly.

"I can't stay and eat, I've got to get this to the king before he declares war publicly sooner than planned!"

"Father what if he won't accept it?" I asked before my father could race away

"I've got Thomas Moore joining me to present it. He's bound to agree. But I have been preparing for war in the background so if in the, lord forbid, worst case I won't have to tell him that we've absolutely no preparations at all."

"Well I'm proud of you Thomas. This treaty shall be spectacular." My mother said and he came forward and kissed her.

"I must go, but I'll be back later. Maria, practice your studies whilst I'm gone." He said before kissing my cheek.

"I will do father." I replied. My father was out the door and onto his horse before riding out of Hampton Court through the light winter snow.


King Henry, to the joy of practically everybody, accepted the treaty. Peace was to remain between King Francis of France and King Henry of England. Father was elated for days. Every time we mentioned it he'd tell us he didn't work for praise, but everyone could tell that he was pretty proud of himself.

Preparations for the summit commenced almost immediately. The morning after Henry agreed to attend the summit visitors both French and English came and went throughout Hampton Court to speak with my father. Some of them were directed to Mr Pace, the kings secretary, others had to practically queue outside my fathers office to have an audience. Father kept me firmly inside his office, not just for educational reasons but also to help him out. I wrote out everything he wanted me to write, with both speed and neatness.

After the first few days the volume of visitors decreased. Father likes to get things done effectively but as quickly as possible. He hated things dragging out longer than a week unless it was some large project.

The days remained cold dull and overcast across Surrey, with the snow barely returning. Soon the sun broke back out and the lands began to look brighter again. I happily spent days in either study, prayer or riding horses. Father planned for he and I to stay for a day at Whitehall before making our way to France.

"Your eminence, The Bishop Bonnevit is here to see you." A messenger called as I was writing a letter to Princess Mary, expressing my excitement for the summit. My father nodded but the servant did not move

"Your eminence he requests a private audience." He said. I got up to leave but my father walked outside without another word. I felt nervous. Did the French change their mind? Was the summit off?

My curiosity got the better of me and I was quick from the room and following the Bishop across the hall to another room. Thankfully he did not hear me nor turn around and went on into another room and closed the door.

I pressed my ear to the door. I struggled to hear by soon I caught something

"...Pope Alexander is gravely ill." I heard the Bishop say. The rest was inaudible for a while until I hear something that made my mouth, unattractively fall open

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