16. Look to God first II

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Father and I walked through the grounds in a cold distant silence. My eye was finally healing and it wasn't sore any longer. Father hadn't brought it up, ever which hurt a little. It was an argument that was still bubbling underneath.

Thomas Cromwell was nearby and noticed father, walking over smiling slightly. Father was still shaken from yesterday's ruling from the legatine court.

"Thomas, how very good to see you, how is the king?" He asked and Thomas sighed.

"The king is going on a progress immediately...with the Lady Anne." He replied.

"I see, tell his majesty that I am handing over to him at once the entire revenues of the see of Durham. It is one of the richest in England. And tell him I shall not cease to work for his great matter. Campegio and I will gladly accomplish his lawful desire. Do you see?" Father sighed and I looked at the floor. Father was giving up all his self earned riches for that Cow Anne Boleyn and her family.

"I shall tell him." Thomas replied and father stopped and looked at him in the eye.

"And Thomas...tell me I can trust you to advocate my interests to the king."
Thomas was silent for a moment, looked at me and back at father.

"You may. For without you I would be a lowly clerk, without profit or future...I owe you my life." He reassured and he smiled at me. Father patted his shoulder and smiled. He walked on and I looked at Cromwell who winked at me.

"Thank you Cromwell. You are a kind man. A good servant to father...and a good friend to me." I smiled.

"Well I would do anything to make you happy Maria. And if that is to help your father I shall try my best, to do everything I can." He said. I blushed.

"I'm beyond grateful...when this is all over I'll make sure father is reminded of your kindness." I said. I kissed his cheek lightly before turning and walking away, blushing furiously. As I reached the corner I turned back. Thomas had gone.


Sir Thomas More was back in England from his mission. Father was at Hampton with mother and I but spent most of the days confined to his office. I'd joined him this evening but he was so wrapped up in his work, he just sounded frustrated when I tried to make conversation, so I left him to it.

Thomas knocked on the door and Father was quick from his seat and hurried him in.

"Come come Thomas tell me what happened. I take it you arrived in Cambria on time?"

"Not exactly." Thomas hesitated "We were...a week late."

Father looked horrified "A-a week?!" He stammered. "How could you have possibly contributed to the substantive arguments?"

"No, we couldn't. We were only able to enter into negotiations with other parties."

"What negotiations?" Father grumbled.

"Well I'm happy to report that we secured a return to mutually beneficial trade relations between ourselves and the Low Countries. We also obtained guarantees regarding long standing payments owing to the king by the emperor." But father couldn't care less about trade or debt.

"But the major disputes Thomas the major disputes!" He yelled and Thomas looked uneasy. "What happend? Did the King of France refuse to make peace?"

More took a while to construct a response and finally decided to answer.

"No. On the contrary he settled all his differences with the emperor...and both went on to settle their differences with his Holiness Pope Clement."

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