5. Wolsey Wolsey Wolsey I

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Father soon recovered from his defeat in becoming Pope, and continued in his work, assisting the Spanish envoys who were to visit as well as all the other business. Now I was of age, he was more keen in allowing me to socialise amongst the court which I attempted with much enthusiasm. Unfortunately everyone knew me as the Cardinals daughter. Some were so scared of my father they wouldn't get the courage to even speak a word to me and some were so desperate for a slice of power that they only spoke to me to get a bit. I saw through them almost instantly.

I drifted in and out of Whitehall and Father even considered getting my chambers at court. I dismissed it almost instantly, quoting Thomas Moore saying I wanted my "chambers" to have my family inside them first and foremost. Father joked he'd have to keep Mr Moore away from me as he was having an influence.
The Spanish envoys arrived at Hampton Court not long after Father returned from Spain and they met father in his office as I was studying. Father insisted I curtseyed and greeted them, despite him wishing they were French. I did so and returned to my work. The man named Chapuys spoke mostly but then he said something which really caught my attention
"He will also put weight behind your ambitions to be pope." He said in a low voice even though I from the other side of the room heard it. Father looked at him, a look of greed and determination on his face which I had never seen before. This Pope business was driving him insane. I had to stop him before he got himself into real trouble. He was never "over it" at all, just a very good masker.
I stood and curtseyed to the men and as their heads were turned I beckoned father over. He gave me a "Not now." Stare but I moved my arm a bit more wildly and he sighed
"Excuse for one moment gentlemen, my daughter seems to have forgotten  her manners." He hissed and he followed me outside lowering his voice but with a face of thunder.
"What the hell Maria Wolsey has gotten into you? What did I say?"
"Father you can't seriously be agreeing to this!" I said in hushed voice and father rollled his eyes "Father! You're going to become Pope by force?! You're name will be ruined forever!"
"Hold you're tongue Maria!" Father snapped but I was determined to save him from himself
"Father please I just want your name to be honoured, not ruined!"
"Now you listen here Maria Wolsey! You forget yourself." Father roared, though still surprisingly quiet "I am your father, you have no right to tell me what I can and can't do in my home. You are my daughter and you will do as I say! Now make yourself either silent or scarce!" He snapped and I jumped back in horror
"Yes...your eminence!" I said sarcastically storming away without a curtsey. I could tell he was annoyed with me but I heard the door of the gallery shut behind me. I guess my input had yet again counted towards absolutely nothing.


In the midst of my fury I had forgotten that my father and I were to attend the Kings annual New Years pageant. As much as I didn't wish to be there, it was technically an order from the King. Kings orders were always to be followed. I got changed into a beautiful gown of light pink and put a long headdress.
The carriage ride to the pageant at Whitehall was long and awkward. Father and I spoke not a word to each other so I just made good company of Thomas Moore, even though he was more suited to my fathers company rather than my own.

We soon took a seat at the pageant which was to start any moment. The setting was some kind of castle, which looked incredibly detailed. There were soon cheers and claps as women in white dresses, sashes and white masks gracefully made their way across the castle structure, smiling. They were the nine noble virtues. They looked beautiful. Thomas Moore tapped my shoulder and whispered to me
"Why did you not agree to do this?"
"Father thought I was too young, which I found to be complete rubbish. Look, Lady Fidelity is sixteen!"
"Perhaps your father is just being a father. A little over protective. I am guilty of being over protective of my daughter Margaret from time to time too. Give him a chance. Your not a little girl anymore and your closeness is his weakness. He doesn't want to let you go, he still sees you as his little baby daughter. Do you understand Maria?"
"Yes Thomas I do." I sighed. I hadn't thought of that. I wasn't a child anymore and father only wanted what was best for me. He'd worked all these years for my happiness. I made a note to myself to try and resolve our little dispute the second that the envoys were gone.
The next set of women appeared and were greeted by boos. They were the opposite to the noble virtues. They were dressed in black this time and threw confetti at the audience.
The trumpets blared and men dressed in black walked in, led by Desire, dressed in red. I spotted the king amongst the men and the Kings sister Margaret was one of the noble virtues.

"ARRR! As Ardent Desire I demand you release your prisoners." Desire yelled
"As Lady Scorn," Scorn replied "I laugh at your desire!" She cackled causing the crowds to boo.
"These are all noble lords!" Desire called receiving cheers as he did so and the woman next to Scorn replied that they were just men dressed up which obviously meant more boos.
"I say it again realease these fair damsels that you keep so cruelly!" Desire shouted and the room flooded with cheers that I barley caught Scorn shouting "Never!" above the clammer.
"Then you leave us no choice but to attack and breech your defenses!" Desire grabbed his sword and the women next to scorn bit her bottom lip and said "No knight shall ever breach mine." The crowd laughed.
"Lady...desire overcomes all...ATTACK!" He screamed waving his sword around and the room erupted in noise. Guns were fired, the men were leaping onto the castle, Scorn and her army throwing more confetti at her and the men "rescuing" the virtues. It all looked a bit ridiculous to me but it was still quite entertaining and enjoyable.
The evil ladies disappeared and the Lords and Virtues stood opposite each other.
"And now all shall be unmasked!" Desire announced and the masks were removed and music played. The couples began to dance and I clapped along quite contently.


I knocked on the door to my fathers office that evening, brushing my dress down and fiddling with my fingers. Father and I weren't people to argue but when we did it was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. We'd both be fuming with each other and say not a word to one another for hours, sometimes days. We were both very stubborn. Then we'd both feel guilty and miss each other so much and would have a long conversation settling our  differences. The following morning afterwards we'd go about our lives as if nothing had ever happened.
"Come in!" My father shouted from inside and I slowly turned to door handle and walked in. My father looked up and said nothing
"Father." I said.
"Maria." He said. He stood up and stretched out his arms and I ran into them and gave him a hug. He stroked my hair and kissed my head
"My darling daughter. You remind me of your mother in so many ways you know? You might not see it but I see more of your mother on the inside. Your good and honest and have a strong heart."
"Yet I am stubborn like you, hot and short tempered." I giggled.
"Maybe so Maria but you are also intelligent, dedicated and passionate. I know you are just trying to protect me." He smiled and put his hand on my cheek. "But be careful. You're meddling in politics which is not a woman's place, no matter what Moore, or I think. It's not the fairest of worlds out there remember. I just don't want you getting hurt."
"I'm sorry father, I just didn't want history to ruin your name. Pope Thomas, became pope by force." I stretched my arms out as if they were words written in front of our very eyes. Father chuckled and we hugged again.
"Let's just end the entire conversation on laughter shall we?" I asked and he nodded. I went to my desk, sat down and took out my quill and began writing on some parchment thinking to myself.
I wasn't long into my writing, when a knock came at the door. A messenger handed father a note, "from France," apparently. Father read the note and his smile disappeared instantly
"Well King Francis has already discovered our rapprochement with the emperor. He feels betrayed and angry is making threats against our interests."
"Oh heck." I gasped in horror
"Who told him?" The messenger asked. Father said nothing, deep in thought and then raised his head. He waved his hand dismissively to the servant who was quick to leave.
The room went silent
"Who was it father?" I asked nervously. I got no reply.

I just want to get to episode four because we can finally say HELLO to the absolutely GORGEOUS James Frain at last! He's going to have an extremely prominent role in this book! Yeah this chapter took a very long time to write because it wasn't the most interesting of chapters. But anyway, I've now got an eight week summer vacation, no school, not much work and I'm quite happy about it!

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