10. True Love

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I sat in my chair in study. It was getting warmer slowly, yet I could feel a chill in the air. Something bad was coming. I could sense it from miles away.

Thomas Moore arrived at our house late that evening. Father had bid his goodbyes to the King.
We sat in the darkness, in concentrated silence. Father addressing the final pieces of paper work and I was trying to write a letter to Mary. I was struggling to find the right words.

Thomas More handed father some papers, shuffling around and he stood looking at him in silence for a moment.

"Tell me truthfully." He finally spoke. "What are your hopes for this mission?"

"I have many hopes." Father said as he finished creating a seal for the letter he was writing.
"Firstly to heal the wounds caused by years of Anglo-French hostility...and then to work towards a new balance of power in Europe. The sacking of Rome, the imprisonment of the pope, these things have destabilised the whole of Europe."

"And the church?" More asked, though I was quite confident he knew the answer to his question already.

"The church is also in need of mediation. At the special conclave we shall lay plans for a general council which, in the absence of the pope, will deal with pressing matters of heresy and reform."

More tutted slightly "And the kings matter?"

"That will also be dealt with but as one of many other matters." Father said. More raised an eyebrow slightly. You could tell this wasn't right. Anyone could. The Cardinals wouldn't let this happen even I knew it.

"Do you think the Cardinals will give you the authority to deal with it?" He asked.

Father didn't even hesitate. "Yes."

"Then you will be...de facto pope." More said looking at father with a smug look on his face. "And since his holiness may never escape captivity-"

"This is Idle speculation." Father interrupted firmly. "I have work to do Sir Thomas." He said hurling some papers at him. More picked them up and departed. I wanted to tell father that this was wrong. This just did not feel right, what he was doing. I sighed and went back to trying to write a letter to Princess Mary. In my frustration, I slammed my hand on the desk and stormed out, my father looking beyond stunned at my outburst.

I went across the halls and leant by the wall. Everything was so complicated at the moment. Father was being greedy. This divorce was a nightmare. Then there was Cromwell and his...his wife! I closed my eyes for a moment, breathed in heavily, held my breath....and screamed, thumping the wall.


The morning sun rose quickly and he dew on the grass was fresh and dripped from the blades of grass onto the gravel.

Father and Sir Thomas, stood by their carriages awaiting for their final bags to be packed. I spotted some others standing around waiting to leave also, including many musicians, and Thomas Wyatt the poet Henry didn't like apparently.
I went up to the two Thomas' and curtseyed.

"My god be with you, and bring you joy and success on your visit to Paris." I smiled. Thomas More thanked me kindly and was told he may get into the carriage. The rest of the company began to file into carriages also. More climbed in a shut the door behind him.

Father gentleman kissed my mother goodbye, and then my cheek.

"Keep to your studies Maria." He said before lowering his voice. "And for the love of god, behave yourself around the secretary or else there shall be serious consequences!" He hissed.

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