8. Arise my Lord I

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The entire court was stood around the Kings throne. The King sat, fairly relaxed. Thomas Boleyn was knelt before the King. Father attempted to hide his discontent. I, as I knew him, could see the frustration etched on his face. Thomas Cromwell stood on my other side, a long scroll in his hand.

"Sir Thomas Boleyn, you are by order and permission by his majesty created Lord Rochford."

A sword was handed to Boleyn and Henry smiled. "Arise my Lord."

"Majesty." Thomas Boleyn stood quickly and moved out of the way.

A moment later a little boy was lead in. He was adorable, about four years old with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Sir Henry Fitzroy!" The messenger announced.

"Isn't he adorable?" I whispered to my father who grinned and nodded
"Most certainly."

"Henry Fitzroy you are by order and permission of his majesty King Henry today created Duke of Richmond and of Somerset and Earl of Nottingham!"

Cromwell announced, a small grin also on his face. This little boy was now the third most powerful man in England, besides the King himself and my father, and he was only four years of age.

King Henry placed the hat on the boys head and passed him a miniature sword.

"Arise your Grace..." he grinned, lifting the child and sitting him on the throne next to him. There were coos in the crowd and people slowly began to leave. Father moved out quickly where as I stayed with Mr Cromwell.

"Do you dream of children Maria?" He asked and I blushed but nodded.

"Yes Cromwell...I do most happily." I smiled. Cromwell opened his mouth to say something when someone tapped his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

"Sorry Maria, I must go." He bowed to me and I smiled as he left. My heart thumped out of my chest and I clutched it slightly, sighing happily, before walking away in the other direction, a spring in my step.


A few mornings later I was woken by my father shaking me.

"Maria! Get up!" He hissed.

"Father, please you must stop waking me so early!"

"Maria this is serious. The king of Portugal is dead!"


Within the hour I was out of bed and hurriedly dressed by my maids, and shoved downstairs. My father stood waiting for both myself and the king and quickly smoothened my hair, before the king walked in. It took him a while and he finally, regrettably, he broke the news. The king was silent for a while and finally spoke.

"My poor sister."

"Indeed, to be made queen for just a few days it seems...incredible. A tragedy." Father sighed.

"Upon return she's to be treated to every comfort and kindness while she mourns." Henry commanded and father and I nodded.

"As to the matter of your majesty's annulment I have set up an ecclesiastical court with Archbishop Warham to consider and decide on the matter. It will meet in secret if your majesty agrees." Father spoke and Henry nodded, most pleased.

Make sure they come to the right decision, quickly." Henry smiled.

"I have some further news about the emperor...he has released King Francis." Father sighed and Henrys face turned to absolute thunder.

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