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Briar POV
We all get in the car and abbey says she would drive us. Myles sits in the back middle with me one side and molly the other. You guys may think we are over reacting way to much with the whole don't go and we are going to miss you Myles talk but, honestly imagine that most of you heart is going around the world for four months and you have to stay at home with your four year old while your pregnant. I'm not sad I'm just scared. Once we arrive at the airport we find the area where we meet they others and as we are the first ones here we take this as an opportunity to say goodbye without people watching us. Myles goes into his knees so his Molly's height and talks to her about something and she nods then he traps something out of his pocket and passes it to her and the biggest smile appears on her face. She then runs over to me to show me.
"Look mummy. Daddy's got me a tag to put on my suitcase when we go and visit him in Australia!" Aww he is so cute.

Myles POV
After talking to molls I go and talk to abbey.
"Abbey how can I thank you. You've come and left you life behind for a month just to look after your sister. Please promise me that you will text me the minute any things up with the baby or anything with Bri and molly or even your self and I'll come straight home." She nods and hugs me.
"Oh and I forgot if briars missing me give this to her and if molly give this. Each latter has a date on it and which ever day they miss me give it to them on that day please."
"Will do Myles. Now go and say bye to your princess before she bursts into tears." I just laugh and walk over to briar.
"I'm fine I've just got something in my eye." Briar says in tears. I just rap my arms around her, I really don't care that all the other cast is starting to arrive but they are talking to there family so it's fine. We just say there enjoying each other's company for the last time in a while.
"I've told abbey to tell me the minute anything happens to any of you so I can come straight back to look after you." Briar just stays quiet.
"Look I'll be back if got to go and say my last good bye to molly and then I'll be straight back." I start to pull away but briar just keeps her arms around me. I kiss her cheek and then she slowly lets go.
"Molls come here please." She runs over me.
"So daddy's got to go now but I will see you really soon ok now give me the biggest hug ever." She raps her arms around me and I kiss her head and cheeks I rap my arms around her as well and we carry on hugging.
"Now promise you will look after mummy for me and give her lots of hugs and kisses for me please, ok monkey I'll see you very soon. One last hug?" And she raps her arms around me again. I pull away and go to briar again I rap my arms around her and then we both say we love each other and will call, text and face time everyday. I then give them both one more massive hug and kiss then walk to the others and through security to airside. A tear runs down my cheek and I decide to just sit in with the group and then we get on the plane and head to Australia!

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