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"What do you mean you're not going trick or treating?" Evan tugged at Connor's sleeve like a little boy. The taller boy sighed.

"Evan, I've told you a million times: we are 17, we are too old to go
trick-or-treating. Besides, the idea of
trick-or-treating is so dangerous. A small child goes alone to a stranger's house and begs for food? That's not safe. This Halloween I'm sleeping in and enjoying a night without homework." Then Connor whispered "I never went trick-or-treating as a kid. I'm not nostalgic or anything. And based from what you told me, It does't seem like I missed out on anything." He really regretted saying the last part and hoped his tree-loving boyfriend didn't hear it. But the thing about Evan is that he has really good hearing.

"You've never been trick-or-treating?!" Evan gasped and dropped the spoon he was defensively holding. Connor didn't remember Evan having a spoon five minutes ago.

"Well maybe I went once when I was four..." Connor recalled.

Evan stood up and pushed his chair back dramatically. "Well then it's settled. This Halloween, you're going trick-or-treating. In full costume." Connor groaned and pretended to be very annoyed, but the idea of a powerful Evan was really cute.


"Evan could you please tell me what you are doing in my living room with... ohmygod is that a photo album?!"Connor lunged towards Evan who was engrossed in an old photo album from the depressing depths of Connor's childhood. Evan hugged the album defensively pouted. Connor sighed and gave up on trying to take away the album. "How did you get in here anyway?"

Evan shrugged. "The window was open and I am an expert tree climber."

A couple of minutes later, the two boys were sitting on the love seat with a pile of photo albums between them. Evan flipped through the album and 'awwed' at some photos and laughed at others. Connor blushed when Evan got to the page with naked baby photos of him and Zoe.

"What?" Evan asked. "It's not like I haven't seen a naked baby before. Besides, I also have a penis." Connor was surprised at Evan's maturity and put his arm around him. When they got to the famous Halloween where Connor went trick-or-treating, Evan Leaped up and scared Connor half to death. "AHA!" The boy yelled while waving a photo in front of Connor's confused face.

"Evan, hold the photo still. I can't see anything!" Connor grabbed the excited boy's wrist and pulled out the photo. It was him and Zoe that one Halloween. They were both so tiny and happy with a joyous light in their eyes. Connor was smiling missing his two front teeth. He was dressed as an angel and the halo was tilted and falling off.

"I know what you're gonna be for Halloween this year, Connor," Evan said affirmatively. "An angel."


The big night finally rolled around and Evan couldn't be more excited. "Come on, Connor! Get out of the bathroom already! I wanna see you as the angel that you really are!"

"NO!" Connor yelled back. Evan could practically hear him pouting.

"I have the key to the bathroom, don't make me come in and get you!" Evan shouted. He didn't really have a key. A few minutes later, the door opened to Connor in a white nightgown and paper angel wings. He had a sparkly halo that kept falling off and white socks. "Well..." Evan said "At least you tried."

"This is ridiculous. I feel like a tit." He turned around and started making his way to the bathroom to change out of the costume. But Evan grabbed him.

"No way, José. You are coming with me to go trick-or-treating whether you like it or not." Evan was dressed as a tree with a brown jumpsuit and an impressive hat that blew out leafs. Connor really wished he'd dressed up an axe. He pulled Connor outside and locked the door before Connor could go back.


"Soooooo..." Evan leaned close into Connor. "Are you having fun yet?" Connor's patience was running out.

"I'm having as much fun as I did when you last asked me, which was five minutes ago."

"Oh." The two walked in silence.



"Are you having fun now?"

Connor sighed.

"Yes Evan. I'm having a splendid time." Even Evan could sense the sarcasm.

Two minutes later, Evan turned and faced Connor. "Connor?" Evan wrapped his arm around Connor and drew in the taller boy. He brought their noses together and then he kissed Connor gently. "Are you having fun now?"

"Yes Evan. Yes I am."

And he really was having fun.

Dear Evan Hansen One-Shots and RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now