Knitting Classes

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It was a rainy Thursday afternoon and Connor really wished he stayed home. Why couldn't Alana drive Zoe to her knitting class? They were dating after all. He honked the car's horn and Zoe ran outside, shielding her head from the rain with her bundles of yarn. "Jesus Christ calm down already!" Zoe yelled. Connor wasn't sure if she was yelling at him or the thunderstorm. She got in and threw her the knitting materials into the back seat.

The two sat in uncomfortable silence until Connor spoke up. "I can't believe your knitting teacher is making you go to class in this rain. She must be nuts."



"He. The knitting teacher is a he. Pretty good-looking too..." Zoe said while checking her bag for something. "Shit I left my phone at home. Connor, will you stay with me during the class?" Connor groaned. This was going to be a great day.

Due to Connor's expert driving skills (driving at least twenty miles above the speed limit), they were able to get to the class on time. It was held at the teacher's house, a nice, one-story building with tiled floors. "Welcome!" The teacher said while gesturing for them to enter. He was a pretty short guy, maybe 5'4, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked pretty nerdy and must have been made fun of a lot as a kid. When he saw Connor, he stuck out his hand.

"Hello. I'm Evan! Are you new to class? Do you have the necessary supplies?" The teacher said while vigorously shaking Connor's hand.

Connor pulled away quickly. "No I don't knit. I'm just here to drop off Zoe. I'm Connor by the way," Connor grunted. Evan looked a little hurt, but just shrugged Connor away and led the other girls to a circular table with neatly placed name cards. The girls each went to their assigned spot and soon Connor was the only one standing. He leaned against the wall.

"And now we take our left hand and loop it twice around string 6A," Evan explained. Connor groaned loudly. He couldn't believe there was two more hours of this. How could Zoe manage to listen this annoying guy talk for that long?

Evan cleared his throat. "Mr. Murphy if you're not enjoying yourself you can always leave," Connor glared at Evan and sneered. Evan didn't bat an eyelash. Shit. This guy was hard to impress.

After a few more minutes of Evan teaching the girls, they were starting to get the hang of it. Zoe was making a scarf for Alana and Alana was making a hat for Zoe. Evan was making some sort of tree costume for himself. What a freak.

"I am not a freak!" Evan yelled while he ran to Connor.

"Oh shit did I say that out loud?" Connor asked sarcastically. "Whoops. Whatever. This knitting class is pretty gay anyways."

"Connor, you are pretty gay!" Zoe shouted. She blushed "Sorry," She mouthed at him. Connor glared at her harder before blushing and flipping off the whole class.

"FUCK YOU ALL!" He screamed as he ran out angrily with tears streaming down his face. It was still raining outside - hailing too - but he would rather sit in the rain than stand in that foreign house with that strange boy and his balls. Of yarn. Of course. Those were the only balls he was thinking of.

There was a coffee shop nearby and Connor went to it to shelter himself from the pounding rain. The shop was small and smelled of ground up coffee and vanilla beans. There were two tables with two metal, black chairs each and soft music played in the background. The shop keeper was a woman in about her early fifties with blonde hair. She seemed happy, yet tired and looked excited when Connor came in.

"Hello! I'm Heidi, the owner of this shop. Can I help you with anything?" The woman - Heidi - greeted Connor. Connor ordered a large cup of black coffee. She looked so familiar... Heidi handed him his coffee and started chatting with him.

"You might know me through my son, Evan. He teaches the knitting class about two houses down," Heidi said while wiping the counter. Connor froze. It seemed like he couldn't get rid of Evan. He felt as if he didn't have control over his body as he took the white, chipped mug and threw it at the wall, causing the black, magic, liquid to seep into the cracks between the tiles and stain the pastel pink walls. He screamed and ran out of the shop with his hands over his ears.

He was planning to run forever until he ran into Zoe two feet ahead. She grabbed him by the wrist. "Let me go!" Connor yelled while hitting Zoe like a little kid.

"No Connor. That behavior was totally inappropriate. I'm sorry for announcing your sexuality to the whole class, but that does not give you an excuse to act like that. And especially to make fun of him like that? You made him stop knitting - the one thing he loves in this world! It was the thing that saved him when his boyfriend killed himself back in high school. And you took that away from him, Connor! You go back in there and apologize to him right now. He's locked himself in his room by the way," Zoe dragged the pouting Connor to the doorstep of Evan's house. She opened the door and practically threw Connor inside. "His room is that way," Zoe pointed to a room with a big 'TREES ROCK!' poster unevenly taped onto the door. Connor groaned but knocked on the door.

"Evan? Can I come in? I'm coming in." Connor opened the door to find Evan on his bed unraveling his tree costume.

"No stop!" Connor yelled while pulling the string away from Evan. "I-it's beautiful. Really." He sighed. "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened. I was acting so childish and when Zoe said that about me... I just... I just lost it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I actually find it really cool that you offer free knitting classes. I'm such a jerk, god, I'm sorry Evan. Do you forgive me?"

"Yeah. I guess I forgive you. By the way, you're really cute when you apologize."


"Yeah. Hey, wanna go get some coffee or something? I know a great place down the street."

"I'd love to, Evan. Just maybe we should go to a Starbucks or something," Connor answered, a bit embarrassed of his past actions. He should probably apologize to Heidi too.


"Just trust me." Then Connor leaned in and kissed Evan gently.

Soon, Evan's balls of yarn weren't the only balls he was seeing.

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