• prologue •

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• trigger warning: this story will contain physical and mental abuse. read cautiously.

I woke up, the sun coming through the blinds burning away at my eyelids. I yawn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I place my hand onto my nightstand, feeling around until I finally find my glasses. I slip them on and glance over to my clock, 7:21 AM.

I look over at the other side of the bed, hoping that maybe Grayson was sleeping soundlessly next to me, reassuring me that I could sleep in an extra five minutes. But, of course, there was nothing but empty sheets. I sigh, slowly getting out of bed and to the bathroom.

I brush out my messy blonde hair and pull it up into a half-up, half-down look before brushing my teeth. I do a bit of make-up, mostly to cover up the dark circles that lined my eyes before walking back into the bedroom.

I make my way over to the walk-in closet and pull it open, grabbing one of my work uniforms and proceed to strip out of my pajamas and slip it on. Grayson used to tell me that I didn't need the job at the old, run down diner down the street, that it made his reputation "look bad". But I refused, not wanting to stay at an empty house by myself all day.

I slip on my rugged white Vans then grab my phone and book off the nightstand before walking out of the bedroom. I make my way into the kitchen, grabbing a banana off the counter and eating it as quickly as possible before throwing the peel into the trash.

Grabbing the house keys, I shove them into my pocket before going over to the front door. I pull it open and walk out onto the porch, closing the door behind me. I quickly lock it, mentally preparing myself for the six block walk to the diner.

Between Grayson and I, we only had one car. And since he bought it, he insists on me only using it when it was his days off, which are the weekends. I didn't mind the walk though, it helps me clear my thoughts.

I arrive at the shop nearly ten minutes early, the older couple who owned the place, Dan and Carol, mopping and wiping off the tables for the early morning rush.

"Carol, I got it." I smile, easing the soaking wet rag out of her hand.

"Oh, thank you Evelynn. You're always such a doll." She says, returning the smile with a small hug and 'good morning'.

I finish wiping off the tables that she hadn't gotten to yet before taking over the mopping for Dan.

"You know Evelynn, you and you're boyfriend-oh, what was his name again? Jason?" He asks and I simply laugh, draining the mop head.

"Close. Grayson, Dan." I chuckle and he simply laughs, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep himself balanced.

"Sorry sweetheart, my memory ain't as good as it once was. Anyways, you two should come have dinner with us sometime, Carol and I get pretty lonely eating by ourselves at the house." He says and I smile at the thought.

"That sounds wonderful Dan, I'll make sure to mention it to him." I say, pushing the mop bucket back into the storage room. I walk back out, brushing my hands off onto my apron with a sigh as Beth walks in.

"Good morning Elizabeth." Dan and Carol say in unison, causing her to chuckle slightly.

"Good morning you two. Good morning Evelynn." She says, walking over behind the counter and grabbing her apron off the wall.

Beth was only a couple years older then me and was working here before I was, but before I came, she was the only employee. The three were pretty close to start with, luckily, I slid right in and became like family to them.

"You ready to start the day?" She asks, slipping on her apron as I quickly rinse off my hands in the sink.

"Always, hopefully I'll get some better tips today. I need some new Vans." I say, looking down at the worn down ones on my feet.

"Can't your million dollar boyfriend buy you some?" She asks playfully, laughing slightly and I merely chuckle in response.

• • •

I groan as I fall back onto the couch, my sore muscles aching after the long twelve hour day. I usually didn't take the night shifts, but Beth's babysitter canceled and she didn't have another off hand, so I took it for her.

I slowly shut my eyes, letting the silence of the house engulf me. I felt myself starting to drift asleep, I knew it wasn't a good idea, but I could barely keep my eyelids up. I almost let my sleepiness take over when the front door opens and slams shut.

Great. I thought, a yawn slipping from my lips as I sit up and make my way over to Grayson.

"How was work honey?" I ask, grabbing his briefcase from him and setting it down in its usual spot by the door.

"How do you think it was?" He snaps and I flinch slightly, slipping his jacket off of his shoulders.

I throw his jacket onto the coat rack before turning back to him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he gives me a disgusted look.

"What are you wearing?" He asks, his eyes roaming almost every inch of my body and I mentally curse at myself.

"Oh," I pause, looking down at my clothes "sorry honey, I had to take the night shift because-"

"So dinner isn't ready then?" He asks, his voice harsh and rough as he cuts me off. I freeze up, looking to the kitchen to analyze what meal I could easily make to please him.

"No, but I can always just-" I didn't finish my sentence as an agonizing pain sears across my cheek.

Not expecting it, the force of the slap cause me to stumble back into the door. I regain my balance just as Grayson roughly grabs my chin, pulling my face towards his.

"We had a deal, when I get home, dinner is ready. Got it?" He snaps and I only nod, blinking away the tears rushing into my eyes. He scoffs bitterly, throwing my head away from his not a moment later.

"Now go take a shower, you smell like a pig." He spits with venom, rolling up his sleeves as I simply nod, shuffling away to the bathroom.

A tear cascades down the side of my face as I slowly shut the door behind me. I flick on the lights, looking into the mirror to assess the damage of my cheek. I gently graze my fingertips along the mark, his hand print already swelling and bruising,

Tears stream down my cheek, dripping off my chin as I strip off my clothes and throw them into the laundry bin. I sigh, knowing I'll need to take the time to do wash and iron Grayson's to make it up to him

I glance over to the mirror once more, my eyes falling short on the bruises that covered my ribs which I received last week. They've visually gotten worse, but they didn't hurt as long as I didn't bend down or run into anything.

I let out yet, another sigh as I turn to the shower, twisting the knob to hot. I wait a moment for the water to heat up before hopping in, letting the warmth of the water engulf me.


HELLO MY LOVELIES, IT'S HERE!!! The very long waited Ryan book is here! I added a prologue to this book because I feel like there was things you should know that I wouldn't have been able to fit into the chaptys so here you go. I hope you love as much as I'm going too


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