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"Evelynn, honey are you alright? You don't look like yourself today." Carol comments as I dry off the cups I just finished washing.

"Of course, just feeling a bit more tired then usual." I say, simply waving off her worry as I place the cup with the others under the counter. 

"Alright, if you need a break, just tell Dan or I." She reminds me, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder and I only nod, giving her a warm smile in response.

I let out a sigh as she walks into the back room, grabbing another mug and using my rag to dry it off. I wasn't lying when I said I was more tired today. I was up all night cleaning, and also waiting for Grayson to come home so I wouldn't have to be worried about him.

He eventually came stumbling in at around four am, whiskey scenting his breath as he spoke. I did everything he told me to do, knowing his actions were worse when he was drunk then sober. He wanted a shower, so we took a shower together. He wanted something to eat, so I made him a quick meal. He wanted to go to bed, so I led him upstairs to our room and got him into bed.

By the time he finally fell asleep, it was about 5:30 in the morning and I knew there was no point in trying to sleep when I was gonna have to be up again in about two hours. To pass the time, I turned Parks and Rec on quietly in the living room while I finished cleaning up a bit more.

"She's right, you know. Something's off about you today." Beth says, coming up behind me as I place the last cup into the cupboard. 

"Thank you, Elizabeth, for reminding me that I look like shit because I didn't get any sleep last night." I sigh, shooting her a small smile to let her know that I was joking.

"It's not that, silly. But there is something, I just can't put my finger on it." She says, narrowing her eyes at me while I roll mine. 

"Well, have fun trying to find out." I chuckle as the door bell goes off and the familiar face walks in.

"Hey, your friend is here again." Beth points out, watching as Ryan takes his seat in front of the bay window once more. 

"Hmm, he must like the place." I shrug, grabbing a hold of the pencil I placed on my ear as I take my notebook out. 

"Or, maybe he likes just a bit too much." She teases and I give her a dead-panned look, to which she merely laughs.

"That would be great. If, you know, I wasn't in a serious relationship right now?" I chuckle, walking out from behind the counter as she laughs once more. 

I make my way over to his table, noticing how his eyes search across the diner until they eventually land on me, and a smile crawls onto his lips.

"Back again, I see." I smile in return, handing him the menu from my apron as I arrive to his table.

"How could I not? Foods great, I have a friend to talk to while I eat." He says cheerfully, opening the menu as I laugh.

"Well, I'm glad you found your new go-to place. Now, trying anything new today or will it be the same order from before?" I ask, readying my pencil for his order.

He thinks for a moment, flipping through his menu and I couldn't help but notice the five o'clock shadow lining his jaw. I didn't see it before, but the stumble and the way the morning sun shined through the window brought out the blue in his eyes, making them look brighter then usual.

"Um, I think I'll get what I got before, but change the water into a Diet Coke." He tells me, knocking me out of my thoughts and I quickly scribble down his order into my notebook.

"Alright, you're food will be out shortly." I smile, placing my pencil back onto my ear and he quickly thanks me as I begin to walk away.

"Don't go paying for my food this time!" He calls out behind me and I merely chuckle, ripping his order out of my notebook as I walk behind the counter.

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