• seventeen •

416 21 5

• Ryan's P.O.V   

A small hum dances across my lips as I walk towards the diner, shoving my hands deep into my jean pockets while doing so. I made sure to park the pickup a little farther away this time, giving me some walking distance to think. It had been a few days since I've spoken to Lynn, and I can't wrap my head around it. One second, we were talking and having a great conversation. The next, I'm left in the dust, waiting for a reply I've yet to received.

I raked my mind for something I might have done to upset her, to make her suddenly turn into a blank screen. But a little voice in the back of my mind knew why she wasn't responding, and I didn't like the outcome. It made my stomach twist and knot together, my thoughts to cloud over with hatred, and my fingers to curl into fists. I wasn't angry person. At least, I wasn't all the time, but this? This just makes him a dead man walking in my eyes.

I pick up my pace as the diner came into view, the anticipation of seeing Lynn rising in my chest. I didn't know what to expect at this point. I didn't want to see a broken girl, limping to my table with bruises skillfully covered with makeup. I didn't want to see her force a weak smile onto her face, pushing herself to joke around with me and act as normal as possible when you could visibly see her lack of energy. It kills me inside to see her like that, and this is the last time I will. 

I'm gonna help her, hell, I have to help her. I have to save her from that abusive fuck she's been forced with for the last decade, if it's the last thing I do. No one deserves this torture, especially her. She deserves more than that scumbag. She deserves the whole fucking world served to her on a silver platter. She deserves what I couldn't give her sixteen years ago, love.

I grab onto the handle of the front door to the diner, obviously becoming to heated from my walk as I practically yank the door open. I adjust my hat as I walk towards my regular seat, glancing through my peripheral towards the kitchen to try and catch a glimpse of Lynn. As I ease myself into the booth, I find myself still searching for her blonde hair, but was caught off guard as Beth slides up to my table not a moment later.

"Good morning Ryan, how are you?" She sighs lightly, bringing her hand up to brush away loose ends of her hair that feel from her bun as she slides a menu my way.

"Good, how about you? You seem . . stressed." I tell her, treading lightly as I gently grab a hold of the menu.

"I am, actually. Almost all of our tables are filled and were down a waitress." She complains, a huff brushing past her lips as she places a hand on her hip.

"Wasn't Lynn supposed to be back today?" I ask, confusion settling in as her eyes grow wide, her face contorting into a surprised expression.

"She didn't tell you?" She questions in a small voice, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as anxiousness replaces my confusion.

"She, um, quit the diner." She says, my stomach twisting into knots at the possibilities that roamed around through my thoughts.

"We found her store key, her resignation, a small note, and even the money from her last paycheck sitting on the counter when we walked in this morning." She explains, toying with the pencil in her hand as she spoke.

"What was her reasoning for, you know, leaving so suddenly?" I ask, clearing my throat slightly as I tap my shoe to keep my anxious self at ease.

"She said that she was gonna take some time focusing on her health." She huffs slightly, her eyes scanning over the diner before widening slightly as she caught sight of Carol as she tried to carry way too many plates at one time.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back to take your order . . " She mumbles out, barely finishing her sentence as she quickly walked over to the struggling older lady.

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