• fifteen •

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The smell of medicine fills my lungs as the sound of beeping flows into my ears, knocking me out of my once sleepy state. My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as I try to move out of stiff position, causing a wave of immense pain circulates across my skull. A groan escapes my lips as I pry my eyes open, the bright lights making me squint as I take in my new surroundings.

The room was a light beige color, the curtains holding the sunshine coming through the window a bright white. The beeping noise was coming from the heart monitor, the machine stuffed safely in the corner next to my bed. My uniform was taken off and replaced with a light blue gown, and an IV has been pricked into my arm, tape holding it down to stay in place.

A hospital, how fun.

I slowly begin to reach up to the side of my head where the throbbing pain was being produced as the door to my right opens, revealing Grayson. My breathing hitches in my throat as his eyes inevitably lock with mine, and not a second later, he makes his way over to my side. I brace myself for a slap, a punch to the gut for ending up in this bed, but what I didn't expect was his arms being wrapped around me.

I bring up my shaky hand to rest it on his arm, a sigh of relief blowing past my lips as he slowly pulls away from me. He sniffles slightly as he looks down at me, his hand coming up to wipe away any stray tears that may have leaked from his bloodshot eyes. I couldn't help but look at the man with astonishment, I mean, I barely even recognized him in this state. He never showed this emotional side of himself, especially if it had anything to do with me.

"You're not allowed to end up in this bed again, you hear me?" He says, a small chuckle emitting from his lips as he takes the empty seat next to my bed. 

I don't say anything, not even knowing how to speak at this point, simply giving him a small nod as the door open once more. We both turn, seeing man in lab coat walk in, his burgundy hair showing bits of gray sprouting from his roots. He smiles brightly my way as he walks in, snatching my clipboard off the end of my bed.

"Ms. Lee, is good to see you up and going. My name is Doctor Stephens and I'll be taking care of you." He explains, his eyes quickly scanning over my chart.

"Now, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing together in curiosity as he spoke.

"Um . . " My voice trails off slightly as my eyes falls to my lap, my hands finding each other as I feel Grayson's stare burn into the side of my head.

"I walked out of the bathroom and went to serve one of my tables, I got about halfway there and . . everything else is sort of a blur." I explain, trying to scratch at the mental block in my mind, holding me back from the rest of the memory.

"Well . . the simple answer is that you fainted." He says bluntly, placing my clipboard back into its designated spot on the bed.

"The long answer, you passed out due to dehydration, malnourishment, and lack of sleep." He explains, my eyes widening as he spoke.

"You seem a bit . . shocked by this. Care to explain?" Doctor Stephens asks, his arms crossing over his chest.

"I mean, yeah, I've been working a little harder work. Taking double shifts and stuff just to help out but, I didn't feel any different." I tell him, the lie slithering out between my teeth as I spoke.

It's not his place to know what's gonna on in my head. He doesn't need to know the battle I'm having with myself.

"Maybe working a little too hard, I may add. Considering eating and drinking was out of the picture during all this." He comments, his eyebrows raising slightly causing me to avert my stare down to my lap once more.

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