• six •

362 17 3

• Ryan's POV •

"Let's Stop!" Jeremy announces loudly, a various amount of giggles erupting throughout the room as the six of us shut off our recordings.

"I am starved." Gavin sighs, laying back in his seat to stretch his limbs. I stifle a laugh, small bird noises coming from his mouth while doing so.

"Where should we go for lunch? Jersey Mikes?" Michael asks the room, standing up from his seat and stretching as well.

"I could kill for some Jersey Mikes right now." Jeremy says, adjusting the Off Topic hat on his head as he stood up as well.

"You all can go, I'm gonna stay back." I tell the three, taking the headphones off my neck and setting them onto my desk.

"You sure Ryan?" Jack asks, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he slips his hoodie over his shoulders.

"Yeah, I had a pretty hefty breakfast anyways." I shrug, turning off my XBOX and the four share a look before shrugging as well.

I watch as the four make their way out of the office, talking about the next GTA let's play they wanted to film when they got back as the door shut behind them. I let out a long sigh, leaning back into my seat when I realize Geoff hadn't gone with them.

"Weren't you just complaining about how hungry you are?" I ask, turning in my seat to face him.

"Yeah, I texted Steph and she's bringing me something." He explains, not tearing his eyes away from his monitor.

I only nod, my hands finding their way behind my head as I lean back all the way in my seat. I watch Geoff intently, the interaction with Lynn this morning lingering back into my thoughts. I couldn't wrap my head around it, but there was something up. And if my theories are correct, then we have a problem.

"Hey Geoff?" I ask, turning to the man once more as I was met with a small hum in response.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask, sitting normally in my seat as Geoff sighs, his hands slowly coming up and taking the headphones off of his neck before turning to me.

"Shoot, man." He huffs, finally averting his attention away from his computer and on me.

"Okay, so you know how I've been going to that diner every morning?" I start, Geoff slowly leaning back into his seat as his eyebrows furrow.

"You mean, the diner you've been going to that makes you late every damn day?" He asks, his eyebrow raising at me.

"Yes, that same diner." I chuckle, causing him to merely roll his eyes.

"Anyways, I already told you a bit about my friend who works there and-" "Yeah, yeah just cut to the chase." He says, the annoyance in his voice clear.

"I think something's going on at her house." I explain, the words coming off my tongue becoming too real now that they're out in the open.

"What the hell does that mean?" Geoff asks, his eyebrows furrowing together as he leans forward slightly, the conversation now peaking his interests.

"I mean, I think her boyfriend is a douchebag." I say bluntly, not being able to sugarcoat it anymore.

"You think . . she's getting abused?" He asks hesitantly and I simply nod, running a hand over my face before leaning back into my seat once more.

"Wait, back track. Explain to me why you think this." Geoff says, folding his hands together as I huff.

"Long story short, she ended up getting hurt at work and I took her to the hospital." I start, the memories of last week still fresh in my thoughts.

"When her boyfriend arrived, all I got was dirty looks and little jealous comments shot my way. And then, he walks over to her, places a hand on her shoulder and asks me to leave." I tell him, my anger rising in my chest as I spoke.

"I don't know what to tell you, buddy. Sounds like normal boyfriend behavior to me." Geoff sighs, crossing his leg over the other.

"But Geoff-" I lean forward, not being able to sit so comfortably anymore "-you didn't see the fear in her eyes when his hand landed on her shoulder . . " My voice trails off, the image still causing my stomach to twist.

"Or the way she looked at me before I left, I could tell she didn't want me to leave." I shake my head, running my hand over my face in frustration as I try to shove the image in the back of my mind.

"Man, there's really nothing you can do." Geoff admits, a sigh leaving his lips as he dragged his hand over his beard.

"Geoff, the girl came limping into work today. Limping. You could just tell her whole body was in pain." I rant, rubbing my sweaty palms onto my jeans as he huffs.

"Unless she confesses to you that she is getting abused, you can't do anything. You have no evidence to back you up." He explains and I groan, knowing he was right.

I sigh lowly, placing my chin into my palm as I rest my elbow onto my desk, trying to decipher through my thoughts. The two of us sat in silence for a while, my eyes closed as I try to ignore the doubting voices manipulating my thoughts.

"You like her, don't you?" Geoff asks, breaking the silence between us after a moment. I pry my eyes open, giving him a deadpanned look.

"I've known her for a while, Geoff. I'm just trying to look out for her." I say, finally turning my chair back towards my desk.

"But you didn't deny it." He points out, smirking slightly as I merely send him a glare. He sighs, placing his chin into his palm.

"You know, you can be with someone after-" "Geoff, come on man." I huff, grabbing a hold of my headphones, but he stops me as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Rye, it's been three years. I know you don't like talking about this stuff, but, shit man. You made one mistake. That doesn't restrict you from-" "Geoff!" I snap, cutting him off from his small rant.

He presses his lips into a line, slowly nodding as he removes his hand from my now tense shoulder. My anger ceases almost immediately, and I open my mouth to apologize, but Geoff simply waves it off.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have pushed it." He says, grabbing a hold of his headphones and slipping them on over his ears before getting back to work.

I huff, slowly turning back to my desk before pulling my headphones on as well. He was right, Geoff was always right. But I can't do that again. I promised myself and her I wouldn't do that to myself, or anyone else ever again. And I keep my promises.

• A/N •

Sort of a filler chapter, sort of not, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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