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"You sure you're okay?" 

I drop the book in my hands onto the counter, my eyebrow raising up as I meet Beth's narrowed stare across from me.

"Do you realize how many times you ask me that question each day?" I ask, placing my chin into my palm just like she did.

"More then twenty. Tops." I state, picking up my book and shoving the bookmark inside as she simply snickers to herself.

"Is it because a little friend of yours hasn't come by in a while?" She asks, a smirk dancing on her lips as I roll my eyes.

"You act like I don't have a perfectly good man taking up the boyfriend position already." I huff, snatching my book off the counter as I slip off the red bar stool. Her eyes widen slightly, surprised by my small outburst as I walk behind the counter as well. 

"Well sorry for pushing your buttons today . ." She mutters under her breath as I walk past, just loud enough for me. I sigh, tossing my book next to the register before leaning up against the counter.

"I haven't gotten much sleep lately, so I apologize for being irritable." I mumble, rubbing the my eyes which were still pretty bruised but didn't hurt as much as they did.

"You could've just told me that, silly." She says, giving me a small smile as Dan rings his bell, shoving a meal out of the window for Beth.

As Beth walks out to serve her table, I find myself getting lost in thought as my eyelids grew heavy. What I said about my sleep was an understatement, I haven't been sleeping at all, actually. After the last fight with Grayson, I can't even get into bed with him without having a panic attack.

It was almost two weeks ago, and for the first time in a long time, I didn't see my boyfriend. All I saw was hate and frustration, coming at me in kicks and bloody knuckles. It took a few hours worth of ice for the swelling to go down, and a day or two for me to be able to feel the left side of my face again.

But during all of that, I noticed Ryan's seat being left open every morning since. I was relieved almost, knowing that if Ryan was still in the picture, I was only going to get backlash from it. But there was a part of me that lingered for our talks, for his presence, hell, for his smile even. Him being around just made me feel like myself again.

"Evelynn, sweetheart." I hear Dan call out, causing me to snap out of my daydreaming state.

"Yes, Dan?" I ask, instantly standing up from where I was leaning and peering into the kitchen.

"First, you can take a break whenever you need to, sleepyhead." He starts, chuckling slightly as I simply roll my eyes at him.

"Second, someone just walked in and Beth's got her tables already. You're up, kiddo." He informs me and I narrow my eyes in confusion, not even hearing the bell go off.

With a shrug, I grab a hold of my notebook out of my apron and steal some menus from behind the register before making my way over. As I shove my glasses further up on the bridge of my nose, I place a smile onto my lips, even though it caused pain to flourish through my bruised cheeks.

"Good afternoon, my name is Evelynn and I will be your server today. Can I start you with . . " My voice trails off, finally looking up from my notebook to see Ryan, sitting with a friend.

"Oh wow, I didn't even notice it was you." I chuckle, feeling a small rush of heat cascade over my cheeks as Ryan laughs.

"Evelynn, I'd like you to meet one of my good friends, Geoff." Ryan gestures to the man sitting across the booth from him, a warm smile spreading across his lips as he puts out a hand.

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