Chapter 8- Ruining it

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I missed mom. Home didn't feel like home. I went into her room. It was clean now. Her bed was made, her dressing table although perfectly set, still had a gaping hole where the mirror was supposed to be, her clothes were hanging neatly in the closet.

She didn't recognize me the other day. Her eyes were blank that day. She just kept on calling her husband and her son. But I missed her, I wanted her to be with me.

I never knew anyone from her family. Uncle Abrahim said she had a big brother, who died in a car accident. After that her folks moved to Canada, when I was 2.

I lied on her bed. And traced the scars on my forearm. A tear slid down my cheek.

Stop it you self pitying creature!

I wiped the tear and picked up phone.
"Hey Myra, what's up?" I called her.

"Hi Sofee, I was out with Rayhan."

"Shit! sorry sorry. Bye-"
"No wait, he's cool. We were heading off to that ice skating place near my house, why don't you come too?"

"No you guys have fun, I don't want to make your date awkward."

"It won't be awkward, it would be kinda nice. Hey, why don't you pick Leena too and then meet us there. It'll be less awkward?"

"Sounds nice, you sure? I'll talk to Leena."

An hour later, I picked Leena, Ivan and Taha in my double door car. Leena sat in the shotgun and Ivan and Taha adjusted in the seats behind.

"Nice car you've got there. It's huge I must say." Ivan said, snickering.

"Yeah look how comfortably we're sitting. I can lay down and sleep in for a while." Taha added, laughing.

"Say one more word about this car and you'll have to drag your asses in to the Wonder Rink." I said in mock anger.

"Atleast we'll be able to feel our asses after dragging it. Mine is so numb, I can't feel my jeans." Taha laughed

"Are you sure you wore it when you left home? Leena asked.

"I don't remember." He mocked.

"Stay THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" Said Ivan.

"Stop it guys. Buncha 5 years olds." I said laughing.

Why was I sad in the first place? I needed this.

Fifteen minutes later we reached Wonder rink. Myra and Rayhan were standing beside coffee stall, talking. When they saw us, they waved.

"Hi guys, this is Rayhan! Rayhan these are my friends Leena, Taha, Ivan and -"

"Babe, I know. They're my classmates too, remember? Hi guys, c'mon let's go in." Rayhan said smiling at Myra.

I skated until my knee started hurting and then went outside to get some ice cream and came back to watch Ivan fall again and again. Leena tried to help him but he was helpless. Never the less, he didn't give up. Myra skated flawlessly. Rayhan came a few minutes later and leaned on the railing beside me.

"She is so beautiful, so effortless." He looked at Myra

"Mmhmm." I nodded. He really liked her.

We all took some pictures and left. Myra with Rayhan. Rest of them with me. This time Ivan had to sit in front, since he bruised his butt pretty badly.

And just like that days passed by. I tried spending more and more time with friends. We had fun together and we studied together too. College was okay too.

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