11:00 Monday June 7th

103 5 3

                       Y/N pov

Mackenzy came in with a bandana over her eyes making everyone suspicious.

She sat at the back of the bleachers and everyone went to the other side through fear.

She sighed and took her phone out. Ohm looked at her. Mackenzy took notice because she seemed to look at him as Well.

Bryce walked over to her making Mackenzy look at him. They started talking and laughing.

Lunch was right after this period so for now I had to do push ups and pull ups.

Mackenzy had no problem doing the Pull ups and push ups but she had to do laps next and she just walked.

I finished the exercises and the bell rang. Me and Kayle walked to lunch. She seemed out of it because she stared at one guy.

I heard about this guy his name was Smitty. I chuckled making her look at me. "What's so funny?" She asked me confused.

"You like Smitty. Don't you?" I asked making her blush. "W-Well...I-I...S-Shut up!" She said looking away.

I chuckled. "You make it to obvious" I said. "Well anyways...Luke should be waiting for us" She said. I forgot all about that! I thought as we made it to the lunchroom.

I see all these diffrent groups sitting with each other. I see a man with a red hoodie talking to a few diffrent people and that's who Kayle brings me to.

"Luke this is Y/N!" Kayle said. As he looked up. He smiled at me. "Hey" He said I waved.

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