6:00 Monday June 7th

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                       Y/N pov

I put on my Jason costume as Kayle put on her Angel costume.

The party started in an hour. Another guy Kayle knew called Brock was going to pick us up.

"What are we gonna do once we get there?" I asked her. "Find the masked man. I won't be there to watch" She said. I sighed because this bitch did that everytime.

"I can read your mind, you do realise that righy?" She asked me. My face grew hot from embarrassment. She chuckled.

"Its fine but..." She started getting closer to me and pulling my shirt  collar towards her. "Don't do it again" She said her Brown eyes turning into a red before fading.

There was a knock at the door. I got up and went to open it. I see a girl in a wolf costume. I realize it was Mystery.

"Hey Mystery" I said to her smiling. "I love wolf's!" She screamed. "We heard" I heard Fox say.

She wasn't wearing something Fox like but instead a bunny hoodie. "It that it?"I asked her. She shrugged.

"I hate costumes" She said surprising me because she wore a Fucking MASK AND FOX HOODIE TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY!

She started chuckling. "You do remember Me, Mystery, and Kayle aren't from this world right?" She asked me. I turned to see Mystery wide eyed as Kayle glared at me.

Fox broke out laughing. "Fox stop laughing!" Kayle said. Fox fell to the ground. "Hey Y/N wanna see something very funny?" Kayle asked me.

I nodded and Fox froze. "Oh shi-" "This was Fox before this life!" She said showing a girl with Brown eyes, Grey hair and a pink hoodie. She had a goofy grin and was wearing a lot of rings, andnecklaces.

I saw Fox blush. "Stop!" She screamed to the brunette. "Why?" She asked.

Fox walked up to Kayle her Hazel eyes turning white. Kayle turned red and they had a staring contest.

Kayle lost because I have never seen Fox blink. "I don't need to" She said shrugging.

There was a knock at the door once again. Is tarted thinking this is one weird world...Because no one closed the door and it was closed!

I opened it and see a guy with brown hair. "Hi!" He said happily. "Brock!" Kayle said as Mystery, and Fox looked dumbfounded.

"He's bringing us to the party and coming with us" She said. Fox snickered. "Com. Cum" She said laughing. "Fox shut up!" Mystery said. "Your like 4!" She screamed.

"Excuse me? I'm 22 in my actual life! That's the age I died!" She screamed. "I died at 33!" Mystery said both of them forgetting we had a human here.

They finally realized it. "Oh umm...Its a story!" Fox said. "Yeah...Mine and...Kayles!" Fox screamed.

"Okay...its 6:48 and we have 15 minutes to Drive so..." He said as we all walked to his car. Fox and Mystery arguing about some shit, no one really cares about.

On to the next task!

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