Dead or Alive 00:1 [End]

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Gaurdiam angel:Kayle Lord failed mission.

Gaurdian angel:Kayle Lord Broke mission.

I made it back to the angel world.

I cried after seeing this. I failed...this was my last strike.

"Kayle step forth" Tyler said as I stepped forward. "You have reached the minimam losses. You must be exiled" He continued.

"I-I Understand..." I said ready to walk out. "Please place you hand here" He said as I put my hand on a flat plat form.

I always wanted to make everyone proud and do good on the missions. I felt a burning feeling in my hand. I cried out in pain as the burning feeling broke away.

I took my hand away. "What now?" I asked Tyler cautiously. "Follow me" He said.

"This has been about fixing mistakes...You've made a mistake. Restart" He said as I looked at him wide eyed. We made it to the edge of heaven.

"W-What?" I asked him. "Restart...Find your mistake. Kayle I know you've only been a human during missions but its your must be the full human have a guardian angel, Accept the mission, and Succed gaining back your powers, or Deny the mission and fully fade here. The choice is yours" Tyler said.

I looked over the edge to see the world. I liked being an angel but was time.

I sighed and nodded. "Lets do it" I said. He took a hand out for me to take it. I grabbed it as our hands were surrounded by fire.

I looked at Tyler and we both let go. "You've been a guardian angel for...?" He asked me. "22 years" I said.

He nodded. "Well now you will live a short life a human. You should understand the tasks at hand. Your guardian angel will help you find your way. She's a top angel born a human turned to angel. You will know her once you see her...Good luck" Tyler said as he began to walk away.

"Wai-" I started but was pushed over the edge...

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