Chapter 1

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*buzz* ugh school good morning dad I'm gonna walk to school today. New neighbors? He's cute just keep walking Justin. *skip to school* Mr.Blake yes? We have a new student Jayden, would you mind showing him his classes. No problem, okay thanks, hey can I see your schedule? Yeah, are you the new neighbor that moved next door to me? Yes I am, o-well it looks like we have the same classes. So my name is Justin Blake and I am trans. Really I couldn't tell but I am to and my name is Jayden Moore. Maybe after school you can come over my house and talk. Sure that sounds cool Justin's mind- he's so cute and he's trans but he's probably straight. Um hello? Oh yeah sorry, I like your ring, oh yeah! Thanks my boyfriend gave it to me it's a promise ring. Oh does he go here? No he lives in Maryland but he visits me all the time. That's nice I wish I had a boyfriend. I just want to have a nice relationship. *ding* oh time for class we can talk more after class. *skip to lunch* hey Jayden wanna sit by me? Sure I mean I don't have friends anyway. Yes you do I'm your friend if you want me to be. That's fine *ding* text message
Baby-I miss you
Me-I miss you to
Me-talking to Jayden
Baby-who's that?
Me-my new friend that I met today
Baby-o-well have a nice rest of your day
Me-love you talk to you later 💙
Sorry I got a text but why did you move? Because I got a bullied at my old school. For being gay and trans, oh my God! Same. We have a lot in common, yeah looks like we do I know you just moved here you want to get settled. But just see if you can come over my house or outside. So we can talk more, alright I'll ask my dad *ding* okay see you in class but just not to talk. *skip* *ding* hey Justin or should I say fag Blake oh right it doesn't matter. Because you're not gonna do anything about it. *bang* *shove* hey! Leave him alone!, what do you want some of this to?, yes I actually do come at me bro! No Jayden!. Are you okay? You didn't have to stick up for me like that. It's alright because at my old school nobody stuck up for me. And you are my friend so I will stick up for you

Teayshia- hope you liked that chapter it's just getting started so your gonna love it (hopefully) comment and let me know what you think 💖

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