Chapter 8

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*Time skip* Raegan went home and so did Jack and Kale. *Ring* *Facetime*
Jay- Hey babe, How was your day?
Rae- Good, I got Kale to call me the best and say that I'm fun
Jay- What did you do to get him to say it?
Rae- Me and Jack tickled him
Jay- Oh I bet it was hilarious
Rae- It was but I had a crazy dream about you and a boy named Jayden that lives next door. *tells whole story*
Jay- Don't worry. I don't have a neighbor named Jayden, only Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock and Mr. Sherry.
Rae- okay but I love you and I'm gonna go to sleep since its 12:46am
Jay- okay love you too sweet dreams *Call over*
Tuesday 11:38am *yawns and checks phone*
*Text message*
J- hey Kale i want to surprise Raegan by coming there can you help?
K- Sure anything for you. When do you plan on coming?
J- Next week but when i get there me and you are gonna hang out and then you call Raegan over.
K- Hmm that sounds like a plan just keep me updated on when you get here 😄
J- I will and thanks for helping me💕 bye
K- no problem. I mean i am Jaegan's #1 shipper.
*Chat over* *Ring* *Phone call*
R-Hey wanna hang out today?
K- sure just don't tickle me this time
R- okay I won't
K- promise?
R- Yes I promise meet me at my house
K- Okay see you there loser
R- Whatever bye
*Call over* *Ring* *Phone call*
R- hey Jack wanna hang out with me and the leaf?
J- sure why not your house?
R- yeah get here before Kale does because he doesn't know you're coming.
J- Okay on my way now *Call over*
*5 minutes later* *Knock knock*
Wow you got here before Kale he's so slow. Who's slow? Oh hey Kale, You didn't tell me jack was coming, It was a surprise. You guys wanna go to the arcade? Sure, You know that Josh guy that has a crush on you. Yeah? He works at the arcade, I don't care Me, you and Kale are gonna have fun. *Skip the car ride* How may I help you guys? Josh says and winks at Raegan. We are just trying to get tokens so we can play games. Oh the token machine is over there cutie, Josh says. Listen here dirt bag Raegan has a boyfriend he doesn't want you stop trying. Geez Kale thanks. No problem lets get the tokens before I have to beat somebody.
*Everyone laughs* *Skip to Sunday*
Sunday 5:30am *Ring* *Phone call*
J- Kale I am getting on the plane now i will get there 10:35 tonight
K- Okay i will pick you up
J- Thanks bye
K- bye boo
*Call over* *text*
R- Hey babe wanna FaceTime?
*10 minutes later*
J- I'm sorry I cant right now. I will tomorrow
R- is everything alright?
J- couldn't be better love you 💙
R- love you too *chat over*
Why am i up so early? I might as well take a shower. *Showers* What am I gonna wear? White shirt and gray sweatpants *6 hours later* *Knock* Raegan are you up? Raegan's dad says. Huh? Yeah i am now, Raegan says. Why did you wake me up anyway? Raegan says irritated. You were sleep a long time i thought you would want to know that I'm going to work, Raegan's dad says. Okay have a nice day I'm going back to sleep, Raegan says tired. Alright see you later son, Raegan's dad says.
*3 hours later* *Yawn* What time is it? 1:52pm.
*Text message*
R- Kale what are you doing today?
K- something. why?
R- I'm lonely. My dad is at work and Justin can't talk to me until tomorrow for some reason.
K- Oh i wish i could hang but not today sorry
J- Its ok bye
K- Don't be sad bye *Chat over*
I'm gonna go live *Live started* Hey guys! Comments- hey Raegan, call Justin, guest Justin. I cant call Justin he's busy. Raegan sang and talked to everyone and said goodbye. *Live ended* Its 3:39pm
Two more hours until my dad gets home yay.
*Ring* *Phone call*
K- hey Raegan what are you doing?
R- nothing about to watch a movie since i have nothing else to do.
K- Oh, I was just checking up on you
R- Thanks, you're nice sometimes
K- Mhm talk to you later
R- Yep *call over*
Raegan turns on Netflix and watches "The Cobbler" and slowly falls asleep.
*Text message*
J- Kale my flight will land at 6:45pm I got it wrong.
K- Okay I will be there at 6:30pm
J- Thanks 🍃 gate A number 11
K- lmao no problem *chat over*
Raegan gets shooken awake by his dad telling him that he brought him some food. His favorite, McDonald's. Back at Kales shoot it's 6:20 pm I have to go get Justin, Kale gets there and goes to the gate and waits. Justin comes out and Kale yells "Justin" and Justin drooped his bag and ran over to Kale and hugged. I cant believe your actually here right now. Same so are we gonna do the plan? Yeah we can talk more I need to get my suitcase off the belt. The car ride was them singing songs, we're here welcome to my house. I'm gonna call Raegan and ask if he wants to have a sleepover for a couple days. 

I tried to make this chapter a little long but it didn't work out that way. So I hope it was good next chapter coming soon I'm gonna make a updating schedule. So I'm gonna make that and see if it works out.             

   -Teayshia 🙂🤣

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