Chapter 3

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Yeah that's kinda cute. But don't tell my boyfriend *wink* Jayden's mind- oh my god is he flirting with me ? No he has a boyfriend. Hey Jay can I tell you something ? I think you're really cute. But don't make this ruin our friendship because we have a good bond. All I can say is thanks because I think you're cute to but I'm in a relationship. I know but I'm gonna tell you more about myself. I am a YouTuber and YouNower. Are you freaking serious I am to. Maybe tomorrow since it's Saturday we can broadcast together. My supporters might know you and yours might know me. We should make up a ship name so every broadcast together it will say # and the name. Okay let's see # justen no #jaystin, maybe #jastin no. Just go with #jaystin when we first broadcast together we're gonna have the hashtag. And they are gonna be confused it's almost 6pm and my dad gets home soon we have to go back. *back* text me later and you should come over for our broadcast. Or we can broadcast in my backyard. I would say hi back to the park but it might be kids. And I'm not bringing my laptop so let me know. Bye see you tomorrow or talk to you later. Hey Damon are you feeling any better?. Yeah dad said he's on his way. Okay I'm going to shower. *skip to after* Justin! Yeah? I have dinner. Okay I'm getting dressed it's Taco Bell!. *thump* I'm coming right now I fell trying to put my pants on. *after eating* so Damon told me that you made friends with the boy next door. And you ''kinda'' think he's cute you know there's no such thing as ''kinda'' cute. Either you like him or you don't. Well if you really want me to answer that its a no because I have Reagan. And thanks a lot for telling him Damon. I just didn't want you to get yourself hurt by ''accidentally'' doing something with him. When you know you have Reagan even though he doesn't live here. Exactly so why do I need him? That's what I thought. *goes upstairs to get shoes* where do you think you're going? Out away from you. *runs to nearby pond* don't worry dad I'll go get him I know where he is. *sobs* Justin! It's me Damon and I'm alone stop crying come here I'm sorry I well we made you cry. *starts walking* i just don't want you to make a bad decision by liking Jayden. I understand that but I already miss Raegan like a lot and you're making me think about him. I'm sorry let's go back home and we won't talk about Jayden unless you want to. Dad I'm sorry for getting mad at you and leaving.

Teayshia-hey comment what you would like to happen in the story or who you want in the story. And comment if you like the story and if you want me to keep going on

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