Chapter 5

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R-yes Mr.Blake I was wondering I could come and see Justin
JD-sure but when are you planning on coming?
R-this weekend coming and i want it to be a surprise
JD-okay I will make sure he doesn't go anywhere
R-thank you
JD-you are welcome have a nice evening
*call over* *ding* R-kale! I talked to Justin's dad and I'm going this weekend coming
K-okay! Stop yelling what do you need help with?
R-I really don't know oh you cant come over because I'm gonna be gone
K-so you didn't need my help bye Raegan *chat over* it's time to broadcast the caption is gonna be Jaystin?. Hey guys! Comments- omg you know Jayden!, they both are my favs, are you guys dating?. Me and Jayden aren't dating...yet! Comments- what happened to Raegan?, is Jaegan no longer a thing?,Justin!! Jayden is just standing with a shocked face. Just kidding calm down guys. *razzlez Beast joined* comments- Raegan is gonna hurt you, Raegan just joined. Justin's face froze and he put his hand behind his back telling everyone to chill. Justin you okay over there? *whispers In ear* my boyfriend just came into the broadcast.  Comments- you scared Justin?, ooh Justin, Raegan look at the moments after he gets off. Everyone just chill out cool it, it was just a joke I swear. *ding*
R-what are they talking about?
J-I said something that was a joke that's all love you
R-mhm I love you to💙 *chat over*
Ok guys I am gonna get off but I had a lot of fun today with Jayden. I might go live tomorrow I'm not sure. *live ended*
Thanks for being in my broadcast today they really like our broadcasts. No problem I will text or call you tomorrow. *Sunday* *yawn*
Let me check my phone *bright* oh my god this light is to bright early in the morning like this. *turns brightness down* what should I do? Check my Instagram explore. Scroll,scroll,tap,like comment Justin's broadcast with that Jayden boy? *taps and watches. "Me and Jayden aren't dating yet" *gasp* so Justin was lying to me when I asked what was the people talking about. And is he trying to cheat on me? Or break up with me and date him?. *Text message*
R-so Justin you want to date that boy?

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