Chapter 9

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I am changing the way the story is set up because I hate it. It looks so bad and it's hard to understand what's going on so you're welcome.
Phone call

Kale-hey, whatcha up to?
Raegan-nothing much just bored
Kale-wanna come over for a couple days?
Raegan-sure,I guess,I'm gonna put some clothes in a bag then
Kale-you should bring make sure you bring a hoodie
Raegan-I am, but why do you want me to bring one?
Kale-I was just saying that because it's kinda chilly
Raegan-ok mom *laughs* I'll text you when I'm coming
Kale-ok dress warm *laughs
Raegan-yeah ok see you soon *call over*
"Raegan said he's gonna pack his bag and then he'll let me know when he's own his way" Kale says. "So where am I gonna hide when he comes?" Justin says. "Oh you'll have to go in the closet because I'm gonna tell him to get some cover for him out of there" kale says. "Ok I'll just sit under them so he'll see me after he picks the cover up" Justin says. "Alright it looks like we got everything ready" kale says. "I need to put my suitcase behind the couch" Justin says. Justin gets up and puts his suitcase behind the couch and texts Raegan.
Text message
Justin-hey babe whatcha doing?
Raegan-on my way over to Kales
Justin-lucky I'm not doing anything I'm just sitting on the floor
Raegan-what are you doing on the floor?😂
Justin- well I'm actually waiting on someone😉
Raegan-what is that supposed to mean? Are you cheating?
Justin-maybe I am maybe I'm not 😁
Raegan-you're joking right?!
Read 8:45pm
Raegan-Justin!!! Really!! Are you serious!!
Read 8:46pm
Raegan-fine don't say anything then I can't believe you
Read 8:47pm

Text message
Raegan-I think Justin's cheating on me and I'm pulling up now
"Justin get in the closet now!!" Kale says to Justin.
Kale-he's not trust me so don't breakup with him
Raegan-I'm not I'm going to call him later
And can you open the door
Kale-oh yeah I forgot you said you were pulling up

Kale goes to the door and opens it and well this. "Hey Raegan!!" Kale says. "Hey leaf" Raegan says. "Come in now" Kale says and closes the door behind Raegan. "So you really think Justin's cheating?" Kale says and laughs. "This isn't funny but yes I do" Raegan says and sighs. "Well he's not so calm down" Kale says. "How would you know?" Raegan says. "I'm really close to him and he texts and calls me a lot" Kale says. Raegan sits down on the couch and Kale sits on the other one. While Justin's in the closet he puts his phone on mute and texts Raegan and Kale.

Text message
Justin-sorry baby for earlier
Raegan-so are you cheating?
Justin-of course not I wouldn't do that
Even though I just kissed a guy
Raegan-what! What guy?
Raegan-what I'm with Kale what are you talking about?
Read 9:00pm

Text message
Justin-Kale!!! Tell him to get the cover now I think he's mad and confused
Kale-ok I will

"Raegan can you get the cover out of the closet?" Kale says. "I guess" Raegan says and goes to the closet and opens the door. And picks the cover up but he feels something pulling it back. So he keeps pulling it and it lets go and he falls down. And Justin crawls on top of him. "Do you think I'm cheating now?" Justin says. "Justin! What are you doing here?" Raegan says and hugs Justin. "I wanted to surprise you and Kale helped" Justin says and gets off of Raegan. Justin goes back to the closet and gets his phone and closes the door. " oh but did you really kiss Kale because if you did that will be a problem" Raegan says. "Is that all you care about right now" Justin says. "No it's just that you're mine and only mine"Raegan says. "You guys are such goals it's killing me" Kale says and laughs. Justin sits on the couch and Raegan sits next to him and hugs him. "Kale come join this you helped him get here" Raegan says. Kale got up and hugged Raegan and Justin and then stopped and pushed Justin over. "Geez Kale" Justin said. "What I know you wanna be by Raegan" Kale said and sat down next to Justin. "What do you guys wanna do? Besides suck each other's faces" Kale said and laughed. Justin and Raegan laughed. "We can go live" Raegan suggested. "I guess we could" Kale says and looks at Justin "what do you think?" Kale says.
"Sure but who's account?" Justin asks. "How about mine" Raegan says."ok" Justin and Kale say in unison. Raegan gets up and sets his laptop up and goes on you now. "Come on and take the thumbnail picture with me" Raegan says. Justin and Kale get into the frame while it's counting down but Justin pulls his shirt over his face. Raegan goes like and the comments start rolling in and he starts answering questions. Comments- omg Justin, Kale,Justin and Raegan goals, I love you guys, #Kastin. "What is Kastin?" Raegan says. Comment- it's all three of your names together, K is from Kale, A is from Kale and Raegan, STI from Justin and N from Justin and Raegan. "That's so cool thanks for coming up with that" Justin says. "Yeah thanks" Kale says and gets up and lays on the other couch.
"What's wrong Kale?" Justin says. "Nothing I'm just a little sleepy I mean it is getting late" Kale says and yawns. "It's 10:57 I guess it is getting late" Raegan says. "Hey I think it's time for us to get off Kale is sleepy" Raegan says and waves and ends the broadcast. "We can go upstairs to my room now if you guys want" Kale says and gets up and walks to the stairs. "You guys coming?" Kale says and starts walking up the stairs. "Sure let me get my suitcase" Justin says and gets up and goes to his suitcase. He starts to pick his suitcase up but Raegan stoped him. "I'll get it, you can get my bag over there" Raegan says. "Aww thanks babe" Justin says and gives Raegan a quick peck. Justin gets Raegan's bag and he goes upstairs with Raegan following. He sees Kale and he goes inside the room. "Your room is still as cool as the last time I was here" Justin says. "Thanks,but it really isn't all that" Kale says. "Here you go Justin" Raegan says and sits Justin's suitcase down on the floor. "Thanks" Justin says. "You two can sleep in there and I'll sleep in here" Kale says. "Oh I brought the cover up when I came here you go" Kale says.  And throws the cover to Justin who's on the floor looking through his clothes. "Thanks" Justin says and goes in the room with Raegan and he changes his clothes. "Ready to go to lay down?" Raegan says. "I've been ready for a while now, I've missed this. Justin says. And lays down next to Raegan and cover up. 10 minutes later they end up falling asleep and they wake up to Kale. Cooking breakfast for all of them at 10:00 in the morning. "Good morning did you sleep good?" Raegan says. "Good morning, Yeah I did is Kale cooking?" Justin says. "I think he is let's go down" Raegan says and gets up. "Okay I'm ready" Justin says and walks down stairs. While Raegan is following him "good morning! Sleepyheads" Kale yells. "I made food!" Kale says and puts plates down. "Thanks Kale" Justin says and looks at Kale with a smile. "No problem" Kale says and looks at Raegan who's head is on the counter. "Wake up" Justin and Kale said in unison. "Mhm mhm" Raegan mumbles still asleep. They eat the food that Kale made which was great. A couple days pass........

Hey I have to get things off my mind so I made a chapter I hope your happy
If I get 10 votes I'll update that's how I do it now  I need 10 votes to make a chapter

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