Chapter 4

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It's alright next time i won't be that hard on you.*FaceTime call*
Reagan-hey babe how was your day?
Justin-it was good then bad good then bad and now its good because I'm talking to you
Raegan-aw I wish I was there so your day was good from the start
Justin-me to how was your day?
Raegan-mine was okay I didn't do anything special
Justin-oh,i really miss you if you didn't know and i love you
Reagan-of course i know that I miss and love you to
Justin-well *yawn* I'm getting tired so i will talk to you tomorrow goodnight
Raegan-goodnight *call ended*
*Text message*R-Reagan, K-Kale
R-can you help me plan a trip to go see Justin?
K-yeah! You know i would but when?
R-as soon as i ask his dad when i can come
K-ok get back to me on that one😆
R-i will and thanks for wanting to help
K-no problem bihh your my best friend
*Text message* Jayden-Jay😍💙 Justin-Justin
Jay😍💙-what time do you want me to come outside tomorrow?
Justin-around 12 but we're not going live until 2
Jay😍💙-okay see you tomorrow night
*skip to morning* *alarm* *groan* its 11am i need to shower Jayden's coming over. I'm going to wear a plain tee with black jeans and vlados. Time to shower *skip to after* I just finished putting on my clothes and things. And it is 11:45 so I have time to get everything set up and ready to broadcast. *after* *ding* *text message*
Jay😍💙-are we still up for that broadcast
Justin-yeah we're broadcasting at 2 still
Jay😍💙-okay on my way over come outside
Justin-ok I'm going down my stairs now
*chat over* *text message*
Raegan-I am about to call Justin's dad
Kale-ok let me know if you can go!
Raegan-😂I will   *chat over*
hey! Jayden hey! Justin. what do you want to do before the brodcast? I dont know. well I am going on my socials and telling everyone that to.Okay I'm just gonna check my socials and like and follow my supporters. *ring* *phone call* JD-justins dad

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