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Thank you so much! The only person that sticks up for me is my brother Damon. And he's at home because he's sick. But you need to come home with me so I can wash your cut. Because I don't want you to get questioned and you say "I got beat up", "by who?", "some guy at school", "why", "because I stood up for my friend" , "what friend", "Justin from next door", "oh you can't talk to him anymore". That's probably most likely gonna happen but my dad is at work so you can follow me. To that bathroom here sit down *rinse*ow, sorry let me get Vaseline. Jayden's mind-he's so cute nice and caring but he's taken. Okay I got it let me see your face, thank you *hug* you're welcome. You're all done you don't have to come back outside after all of that. No I'm going to come back out. Give me your number so I can so I can let you know if I'm coming back. Okay let me see your phone my contact is under Jay😍😘. Okay see you later maybe. Justin, yeah, who was that and what happened ?. That's my friend Jayden from next door and I was cleaning up his cut because. He got in a fight because of me. Raegan better watch out, no I think he's cute and nice but....
But what? I could never do that to Raegan plus we met today. *ding* text message
Baby-how was your day?
Justin-my day was good and bad how was your day?
Baby-my day was alright why was yours bad?
Justin-well I was getting bullied and Jayden took up for me and got punched
Baby-aww I would have done the same he sounds nice 💙
Justin-yeah he is supposed to come outside so we can talk
Baby-oh text me or call before you go to sleep😍
Justin-okay I will💙💚💛
*ding* text message (Justin is Jay😍😘)
Jay😍💙-hey I'm outside waiting
Jay😍😘-I'm coming now
Hey can I call you Jay? Sure but what am I gonna call you?. Anything you won't except gay,tranny,fag and girl. Of course not I don't even like being called that. Wanna walk to the park and come back before dark?. That's fine but can I call you babe as a joke?.

Teayshia- do you think Justin will let Jayden call him babe as a joke? And thanks for reading my story soon I'm gonna start to make longer chapters just not yet because I have my chapters written on paper so get ready I'm posting more now - xoxo😝

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