Chapter 11

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Two months later

Justin's pov
Me and Raegan have been doing great these past two months. I miss him and I was finishing up putting on my clothes.
"Justin we are going to meet the new neighbors they have a son your age" my dad yells. "Alright I'm on my way down now" I say and run down the stairs. "Are you ready? Because I want you to take this for me" my dad says and hands me the edible arrangements bouquet. "Once we get there don't be rude I know you don't always like meeting neighbors" my dad says and pats my back. "I'll try my best but if they are impolite I can't hold it in" I said as we walked out the door. We walked over to their door and my dad knocked. A handsome boy answered the door and by handsome I mean lord was he was gorgeous. Wait what I'm with Raegan I need to stop. Raegan is your only handsome boy stop it Justi-. My thoughts got interrupted when my dad introduced me. "This is Justin my son" my dad said while  gesturing for me to talk. "Oh yes hi I'm Justin and I am seventeen I'll be eighteen in two months" I said and smiled. The smile wasn't fake at all the boy was just so freaking adorable. Justin stop it I mentally slap myself and I snapped back into reality when the boy talked. "I'm Jayden nice to meet you" Jayden says and holds his hand out. I shake it and his parents told us to come in and we did and I handed his mom the bouquet. "Thank you so much" his mom said. "You're welcome" I said with a smile and Jayden wanted to show me his room. Sense we are staying over for dinner and it is currently 4:47 pm and dinner is at 6. "Do you know what younow is?" Jayden asked me while walking in his room. "Yes I actually have an account not trying to brag but I have a sizable following" I say. "Really I want to see" Jayden says. I pull my phone out and I show him all of my socials and he shows me his. Turns out we  both have a strong following on our socials. On Twitter,Instagram,, younow, and YouTube. Not to mention his transgender also which is great because I didn't want him to think of me differently. Even though we just met today but I want to be his friend. "Hey wanna broadcast?" Jayden asked. "Sure it's fine with me"I said. Jayden opened his laptop and logged in and went to younow.
"it's time to broadcast the caption is gonna be Jaystin?" Jayden said and the broadcast started . "Hey guys" I said. Comments-

omg you know Justin!

they both are my favs

are you guys dating?

"Me and Jayden aren't dating...yet" I joked.


what happened to Raegan?

is Jaegan no longer a thing?


Jayden is just sitting with a shocked face "Just kidding calm down guys"I said. "Boys time for dinner" Jayden's mom yelled. "It's time for us to get off and go eat dinner bye" I said and waved. Jayden ended the broadcast and we went downstairs. "What we you boys doing?" Jayden's dad asked. "We were broadcasting" me and Jayden said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed I blushed a little. I tried hiding it but Jayden saw and smiled. I whispered to Jayden and asked him what his last name is and he said Moore. He looked at me confused but shrugged it off. His mom gave us the food and we ate and it was delicious. "Thank you for the food Mrs. Moore it was delicious" I said. " you're welcome How did you know that I'm married?" She asked. "I saw your ring and I asked Jayden what his last name is" I said. "You're so polite" she said. "Yeah he is" Jayden said and smirked. "Thanks for the dinner Isabella and Christopher" my dad said. "No problem" Cristopher and Isabella said. I was just looking at Jayden because of the smirk he had gave me. He got up and told me to come with him. Our parents were talking and Jayden sat on the couch. I sat next to him and I looked at him very confused. "Can I have your number?" Jayden asked me. "Oh of course" I said and I grabbed his phone and put my number in it. My contact is 'Joostin Blaike'. He looked at me and laughed. "Why did you spell your name like that?" Jayden asked. "I'm a goofy person that's why" I said. " oh okay I understand so can I do that to my contact in your phone?" Jayden asked. I nodded and gave him my phone. Jayden gave me my phone back. His contact name is 'Jaiden More' . I laughed and then it was time to go. "Come on Justin it's time to go home" my dad said. I got up and I walked to the door and waited for my dad. "Bye thanks again for dinner" my dad said. We went home and I wondered why I haven't talked to Raegan all day. I decided to call him up on FaceTime.


"Hey babe what have you been up to?" - Justin

"Oh you know not much I mean I watched my boyfriend hang out with another boy so that was fun" - Raegan *rolls eyes*

"Really Raegan he's just my new neighbor
My dad wanted me to be nice"- Justin

"Yeah okay Justin I heard what you said you said and I quote 'Me and Jayden aren't dating yet'" -Raegan

"Raegan I was just joking I would never do that to you I love you to much- Justin

"You can't joke around like that or whatever" -Raegan

Ding text message

Jaiden More-
I see you 👀 turn your head

I turn my head and I see A clown and I scream. "Jayden why would you do that to me oh my lord" I said and I looked at my phone and saw Raegan shaking his head. "Bye Justin" Raegan said and hung up. "Jayden" I whine. "Yes Justin" Jayden whines. "You made Raegan mad at me" I said and started crying. "Who's Reagan?" Jaiden asked and walked in my room. "Raegan is or was my boyfriend" I said while crying harder. "I'm so sorry I didn't know you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend or tell me that your gay" Jayden said. Jayden sat on my bed and hugged me I just cried into his chest. "I'm sorry" Jayden said. I just put my finger on his mouth because I couldn't take his apology right now. I didn't want to be alone but I needed to call Raegan back. "Do you want me to leave because I can" Jayden said. "No just go and sit on my bean bag and don't talk" I said. Jayden went over to the bean bag and sat down. I called Raegan to see if he'll answer.


"What do you want"-Raegan

"Listen *sniffles* I wasn't doing anything wrong why did you get mad?"-Justin

"Do you really think I want you flirting with other guys I don't think so"-Raegan

"Fine Raegan if you don't want to trust or believe me then maybe we aren't made for each other it's really funny how you say you don't want me flirting with guys when I'm not it's not my fault that people just instantly fall for me and I never said I was dating Jayden so you really shouldn't jump to conclusions because you don't know what you're talking about so you should leave me and my friendships alone" Justin *crys*

"Fine Justin I try to protect you from getting hurt but you obviously don't care about your feelings so go ahead and do whatever you want with that boy or anyone else because I can care less because we're done" -Raegan



Raegan hangs up on Me and Jayden walks over and gives me a hug. I just cry and he lays me down on my bed. He strokes my hair and lays down next to me.
I just cried and thought about all the things that me and Raegan did. Like the time he told me about a dream that he had. With a boy named Jayden Moore who moved next door to me. We went live and I joked about dating him. Oh my god no way is Raegan a physic?. Jayden Moore is this Jayden's name. He moved next door and we went live. I joked about us dating and things like that. No way is this a dream that came true?. I guess I have Jayden now. I just can't believe that this is a dream that came true?.


That's it this book is over and I'm not making anymore Jaegan stories. I am absolutely done with Justin. Jyler is honestly the worst ship. I mean nothing against people who ship them obviously. I just don't get it at all their relationship is literally about to be illegal. Anyways im gonna make an original story soon. So if you like the way I write. Then you can go ahead and keep following but if not. Whatever it doesn't matter to me but goodbye until next time. Oh I'm deleting the Jaegan oneshots book bye.

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