Chapter 7

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(Read my message if your confused)
*yawn* woah that was a crazy dream what's today? Monday on a summer day. I should tell Justin about that crazy dream. *showers* that was a nice hot long shower maybe I should nap.  *takes a nap* I wonder what my baby is doing. *text*  J-hey I was thinking about you I love you *three hours passed* Justin was a little worried because Raegan didn't text back. But Justin didn't want to text or call him because he didn't wanna seem to clingy. *yawn* phone where are you? Oh there you are a text from the babe. *Text message*
Justin-hey I was thinking about you I love you
Raegan-aww I just woke up and I see this text I love you to💙
Justin-did you sleep good? Because you slept long
Raegan-yeah I did I woke up early and then went back to sleep
Justin-oh I'm gonna talk to you later I'm going to Taco Bell
Raegan-lol of course you are bye
*chat over* *Text message*
Raegan-hey Kale wanna hangout today?
Kale-sure I'm bored af anyways so why not
Raegan-when are you not bored lets meet at the park
Kale-alright see you in 20 *chat over*
Raegan makes Three musicals and he realizes that it's time to go meet Kale. He walks because it's only down the street. Hey Raegan!, hey Kale why are you so hyper?. I honestly don't know, what are we gonna do?. I don't know I should have asked Jack to come. Call him it's not to late. *call*  Raegan-hey Jack you free?
Jack-yeah why?
Raegan-me and Kale are at the park but we are still bored wanna hang?
Jack-sure be there in five
Raegan-thanks you're the best
Jack-*laughs* I know *call over*
So is he coming? Yes he is calm down. You know I can't do that,well then don't be as loud. Whatever man you're no fun, what! Yes I am, nope loser. I'm gonna get Jack on you, and what is Jack gonna do to me?. I don't know how about you tell me what happened and then I will let you know. Oh Hey Jack, Kale said I'm not fun and I am so I think you know what we have to do. You thinking what I'm thinking?, probably. *Raegan and Jack tickle Kale*
Guys! Stop! Ri-ght n-o-w I-m sooo serious. We will stop under one condition, what is it?. You say "Raegan is the best and he's so fun", fine! Raegan is the best and he's so fun happy now!. Never been better. *Time skip*

Every chapter before this was a dream
that Raegan was having.

      And I told you I was gonna update

Did you BELEIVE me probably not but her you PEOPLE go ^

A dream that came true? (Jaegan)Where stories live. Discover now