Ch. 12: How Dare You!

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Chapter 12

            July 2010

            Two weeks after Oprah and Ellen, the word got spread out more about Alex being a Jonas, and everyone from TV news, newspapers, magazines, all wanted the scoop about Alexis Jonas, AKA: Sister Jonas.  Even the big names, Regis and Kelly, The View, GMA, Today, Early Show, etc.  She decided after a vote with the brothers to let Paul and Denise make the plans for her since she had no idea what to do, and she was busy being the personal assistant to her brothers.

            Within the next two weeks before the boys were starting their tour, Alex had many interviews done, and photo shoots that even her brothers were asked to be in them, even Frankie and Danielle, Denise, and Paul.

            Alex was drilled on how to answer questions by Paul and the do’s and don’t of interviewing.  She knew that this was just the beginning, and she knew that she was looking forward toward her two whole weeks break with Chris in five days. Right after the boys start their tour and she hid in the shadows during the show.  The stage was her brothers.  She told them repeatedly that she would never take that spotlight and stage away from them.  That was what they loved to do, sing and entertain.  She, Danielle, and Frankie would watch in back, or be in the VIP section with mom and dad.

            Alex was getting piles and piles of the newspapers or magazines that they found about her, and most of them got questions wrong, or was right on the head, but weren’t suppose to say it or post it.

            One day on the bus the middle of July, after the first week of the tour started, the boys were inside doing sound check while the rest of the family was also inside.  Alex just wanted some alone time before the show.  She had to think and focus.

            Alex was looking through a teenybopper magazine, she saw this picture, and she loved it.  It was an article about her being apart of the family, and she remembered the photo shoot.  The main picture was with the Jonas family and herself, and it felt right seeing it.  She read the article and it was really good about how her life was then and now.  Some of the small pictures were with her and each brother.  They choice the one with her and Kevin, which he had his arms wrapped around her shoulders as her hands were resting on top of his arms, and they looked at the camera smiling.  The next one was Nick and Alex behind a piano and looking at each other with a smile.  The last one was her and Joe with their hands on a microphone playing tug-of-war with it and they were laughing while trying to pull, which was faking it.  As she was thumbing through the rest of the photos, she stopped at one, and smiled.  She saw in an eight by ten herself in the middle of the three brothers, and she remembered that Kevin was behind her on a crate box, Nick on her right and Joe on her left, and as the picture was taken she was laughing as Kevin, Nick, and Joe all kissed her cheeks or head.  She knew this was going to be one of her many favorite photos.

            She smiled as she marked the page with a slip of paper, and then moved onto the next one.

            “Alex?” a voice asked.

            “In here…” she said.

            She heard footsteps come on the bus, and she looked up to see someone that she thought that she would never see again.

            “What are you doing here?” she asked standing up.

            “Wow, nice to see you too,” Michael said.

            “I don’t know, but what are you doing here?  How did you find me?”

            “Well, you are popular and you’re mostly with your family, so I guessed that you would be here since your brothers’ show is tonight.”

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