Are you okay??

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Noah: going to talk to Katelyn

I was on my way to talk to Katelyn while Josie went to talk to the consular; I finally arrived to Katelyn’s teacher’s room. I bursted through the door and when the teacher and Katelyn saw me the both looked shocked that I was there. The teacher immediately said something, but not hearing him all I saw was Katelyn’s beauty, I hadn’t seen her all day. I just ignored the teacher and walked up to Katelyn and asked to talk to her in the hallway and that it was important. Katelyn and I stepped into the hallway quietly.

“What is wrong with you, why are you here?!” Katelyn said really confused

“I need to talk to you!” I said to her

“What?” She asked me

“Well, someone told me that you are really depressed and want to kill yourself…” I said nervously

“WHAT!  Who said that!?” She said sounding angry

“Uhh…Josie…” I said looking down

“WHAT!!” She said even madder

“That’s what she told me in 1st hour.” I told her

“I never freaking said that, I said to her this morning that before school I felt really sad and that I just felt like dying but I don’t actually want to!” Katlyn kind of yelled

“Oh….wait are you okay?” I asked her

“Yea I’m fine… I got to go bye love you.” She said to me quickly. Then gave her a quick kiss and left. I ran back to my classroom hoping Mr. Mankeys wouldn’t get mad that I left in the middle of class. When I got to the room I took a big breath before turning the old, sliver, shiny doorknob…*CLICK*. I opened the door and everyone stared at me but the teacher wasn’t in the classroom so I just sat down and I realized Josie wasn’t back quite yet. 10 minutes later Josie walked into the room.

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