Release Day

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        Thinking back to the day I was released, it was a surprise I got the reception I did . Fairly well, popular even. Not as good to have my name in lights or anything, but it was pretty nice.

        I have a family over at PowerFX, and out of the English-singing Vocaloids in general. By the time of my release there weren't many, LEON, LOLA, Miriam, Prima, Sonika , and the people I knew closely, Sweet ANN and Big AL. Now, that seems like quite a few, but in comparison to the Japanese singing Vocaloids, especially by the time of my release, my 'family' was a speck of dust. Especially as far as popularity was concerned.

        "Hey guys, the new squirt's demo broke a record!" I remember hearing Big AL saying one day as release loomed over my head. As merely manifestations of code, we zip through cyberspace as if it were a world of its own. Right now the other 'Engloids' and I sat on Nico Nico Douga, kind of a Japanese you tube and oddly enough where my demo was.

        My little song? Breaking what record?

        I kinda half wanted it to be the record of "least views within a week." As my demo song was kind of....childish? It's called Dinky Dink. Please keep your inferences to yourself.  I mean, I'm designed to be 13! What is this!? 

        "Most views within a week of release!" Sweet ANN announced , her voice full of pride. 


        Well, that was the end of me. I was about to go wallow in a hole of pity when I heard a voice behind me, in semi-understandable Engrish. 

        "So, who's this new kid I've been hearing about?"

        I knew that voice, who didn't? I froze where I stood and I started to scream inside.

        A fellow Vocaloid, the most popular of them all. The cyber superstar , Hatsune Miku.

        I felt her hand get placed on my shoulder, and the scream was freed. 

        "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOLY SHIT." I screamed, scampering forward.

        "Well, that was very rude." Now I saw the diva, and I heard that she looked like a futuristic deity, but that was thrown out the window when I saw her. She literally radiated, yes, but her face was full of sass, as her huge blue pigtails swaying as she placed her hands on her hips. "You should be nicer to someone who can kill your entire career. Now I know why you Engloids are about as well known as the program you originated on."

        This was hatred I was feeling. Great, great great hatred. This glow in the dark blue brat was the most famous Vocaloid of all!? Sweet ANN was way more deserving of this! Big AL was more deserving of this! I'll even give Leon and Lola more of a chance than this! 

        I grumbled. What a first impression, both on Miku's part and mine. To be honest, I probably shouldn't have screamed bloody murder when all she did was touch me. Regardless, it was in the past. 

        Big AL proceeded to get Miku to leave, trying to say as politely as he could that he'll arrange a meeting some other time. Sweet ANN then looked at me with a stern expression.

        "Really? Screaming?" She asked me. 

        Yeah, I know. 

        "I know your still fairly new on this scene, but honestly you need to pull yourself together. Despite what you may be marketed as, you're not a child. " 

        Shame filled me as I hung my head low. What an idiot I am. 

        I could hear Miriam talking about how she was excited about taking me to meet the other Vocaloid 3s after my release. 

        Can I tell you that I'm probably the only Vocaloid ever that wants to flop?

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