私は日本語を話すことができません (I can't speak Japanese)

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        I think it's obvious to know by now, but I'm an English voice bank. I can only speak English, though if a producer was determined enough, they could make me spit out something, and it'd actually sound OK because English has more syllables than Japanese or some weird linguistics crap.

        The way Japanese Vocaloids spoke in English though was so weird. It was really accented and choppy , but at least they tried I guess. Though it was hilarious to hear Piko's glitchy choppy swears as Big Al dragged him out of the house the other day. Wish I had caught it on camera.

         Initially I thought all Vocaloids spoke 1 language and the Japanese ones were just really bad at talking. That is, until I heard them sing.

        "Sekaaaaai de ichiban ohime-sama,
Sou iuuuuu atsukai korotoeneeeeeeeeeeeee

        I had no idea why I was here, or how I got here. Correction, I did, but I didn't know how it was possible. Here I was, sitting in the room of Len "Damn You" Kagamine, watching concerts and Music Videos. 

​​​​    Now, it was probably because he wanted to show me what being a vocaloid is all about or something to that extent, and to a degree I was learning.  But then he started discussing the meanings of the songs and I didn't know how to tell him that I didn't understand a word of any of it. It was all greek to me, or in this case, Japanese.

      "Ah, this is my favorite! " Len said, disturbing my train of thought,  zooming to put on a song called Tululila Talila Tulula, which was bizarre even in name.

      " Ruuretto mawaseba
subete ga mawari dasu yo
nana iro ni kirakira
twinkle&blink tururira tarira tururaaaaa!"

    Like I said, this made no sense to me, but it sounded awesome. Len had a singing voice that was something else let me tell you, it sounded young yet smooth at times, andto a degree se- I'm not going to finish that thought. Bad Oliver, bad. 

      I tried to pretend that I was a Native Japanese Speaker and Totally Knew What Len Was Talking About™ , but as I excpected, he figured me out.

      "You, don't understand a word I'm saying, do you?"

      "Absolutely not."

     "Oh my god I'm so sorry-"

      I should've spoken up earlier, as it was far more interesting having Len ramble on about these songs and about what they meant in English. Besides since he was mainly just infodumping, that required little input on my part, which is good because I never know what to say. I was trying to pay attention the best I could, but one phrase caught my attention in particular. 

        "And this song is like, a euro-dance song sung by Piko-"

        "Wait , Piko?"

        Never thought I would hear his name again, he wasn't an especially popular guy from what I had heard, and for good reason.  That guy was a serious asshole.

        "Yea, Piko," Len said, looking at me sort of confused. "I mean, he doesn't have a lot of original songs, sure, but you said that like you had never heard of the guy. Have you?"

       "Oh I've heard of him-" I stopped myself before I ranted on about the other morning's events. "We're not on the best terms."

      Well, at least I garnered a chuckle out of him. "No one is. He's got a stick up his ass, and I don't mean the usb plug. Don't worry about being on his bad side, he's not really 'all that' ." He said, lightly punching my shoulder. 

      He wasn't giving me any information that I hadn't already known, but I rolled with it. "Ah, well that makes me feel better at least." 

     After a weird, awkward silence, Len layed back onto the floor and propped his feet onto his dresser as he started questioning me about those at PowerFX. Apparently he didn't talk to Engloids much before me and was curious. Understandable I guess, and Sweet ANN and Big AL don't look to approachable despite the fact that they were the two kindest people in the world. No matter though, as I soon found myself in the same position as we talked about mindless things, and probably would have been there all night if Rin hadn't interrupted us telling me that it was damn near 10 pm and I probably needed to go home. 

      There were better ways I could've spent my day than watching videos and talking about random nonsense with Banana Head, but at the same time there were a lot more worse ways. Besides, I think I was starting to take a liking to Len, at least as a friend.

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