Chapter One

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Your POV:

You were fighting the Reverse Flash once again only this time he had a trick up his sleeve. You continued fighting across the city, up and down buildings until he knocked you down and said 

"Goodbye forever Y/N. "

Just as he said that he threw into the time stream you were there long enough to see him destroy Earth 5. You were devastated, first your family, then your team, and now your Earth. All you saw was a molten core of an Earth long gone. I have nothing left you thought to yourself as you drifted through time, helplessly unable to move. Soon after you blacked out.

You awakened and it felt as though you had been in the time stream for at least a few days...then it happened. You saw some sort of pulse open up over an Earth and then another only this one was red and yellow. The pulse sent out some sort of shock wave that sent you hurtling toward what you thought was Earth 4, it was actually Earth 1. 

You arrived and realized what Earth it was after speaking to Gideon. You put your suit back in your ring and found a pair of clothes from a dry cleaner. I have to find Barry you thought to yourself. You set course to S.T.A.R. Labs, you remembered him talking about it on your Earth. You arrived and there were two people there who looked like scientists one with red hair and one with long brown hair. 

The guy said, "OMG! 2 questions, one who are you, and two how did you just run that fast?!?."

 "That was a warm-up," you replied with a smirk. 

"A 13,000 mph warm up!" he said excitedly. 

"That's Mach 16," the girl replied.

"Where is Barry Allen?" you asked. 

"Who?" they both said awkwardly. 

"The Flash," you replied with a stern look. 

They looked stunned at your reply.

"Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow? Ugh, just tell me where he is!" Just then you heard something, you held up your fingers 5,4,3,2,1 just then Barry appeared, he looked confused.

 "Y/N?" he asked. 

"Barry I need your help," you replied.

 "Uhm, still wondering who you are over here?" said the guy. 

"Uhh Cisco, Caitlyn this is Y/N, Y/N this is Cisco and Caitlyn," he said. 

"Hi," you said before turning back to Barry and you told him what the Reverse Flash did and he hugged you, you felt safe in his arms. The others just looked at you with worried faces. He pulled away and asked how you were. "I've been better," you simply replied.

 "What year is it?" you asked. 

Caitlyn replied saying "It's 2017."

 "What?!?" you quickly did the math in your head since Earth 5 was in the future compared to Earth 1 and realized you had spent 9 years in the time stream. 

Barry looked at you concerned "What?" he asked confused. You explained that you were stuck in the time stream helpless for nine years. You told him how it only felt like a few days, but that time fluctuates there, again he hugged you and whispered into your ear "It's gonna be okay, you're here now." You began to tear up and he held you tighter in his arms.

Then Cisco spoke up and asked, "So how exactly do you two know each other?"

 You replied " Well when Barry tried the Tachyon Enhancement for the first time he ran to Earth 38 when he tried to get home he only got to Earth 5, my Earth. I kept him there until he could get home and he helped me get over the death of my team, he also helped me find the Reverse Flash."

 "Wait," Cisco said,"so you have your own Reverse Flash too?"

 "Yes," I said, "Every Flash has one."

 "Okay, this is so trippy," he said.

 "Honestly I didn't think Barry would be able to keep my secret for so long," I said. 

"Hey," he said with a smirk. 

"Wait so you knew about her this whole time?" Cisco asked questionably. 

"Yeah," Barry said, "I did." 

Then you explained that you were Earthless and Barry offered for you to stay at his place. You said "Yes," gratefully. "Okay he said I'll lead the way," he offered his hand to you, and you took it. The next you knew you were in this large, spacious apartment. You were impressed, it was nice compared to yours back on Earth 5. You sat on the couch and asked about Iris. Barry sat next to you and looked down. 

" Uh, when we fought Savitar I wasn't fast enough to save her," he said still looking down. 

"I-I'm so sorry," you said. 

"No, no it's fine, that was 3 years ago, besides now I've you to keep me company," he said with a smile, you blushed. 

" I'm pretty tired," you said. 

"I'm sure, uhh, you can sleep up in the guest bedroom," he said as he led up to the room. 

"Thank you," you said.

 "Anything for a fellow Flash, goodnight Y/N." 

"Goodnight Barry," you replied. You closed the door and sat on the bed just thinking about what had just happened, oh please tell me I'm not falling for Barry Allen you thought to yourself as you laid down, the next you knew you were asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading, let me know what you think in the comments.

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