Chapter 16

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"Has he been here all night?" Cisco asked gesturing at Barry as he walked into the Cortex the next morning with Caitlin.

"It wouldn't surprise me, Barry loves her more than you think," Caitlin said defending Barry's actions.

Cisco then walked into the room with Barry and Y/N and began shaking his shoulder.

"Dude, you've been here all night, go home," Cisco said waking his friend.

"No, I'm not leaving her," Barry said back removing Cisco's hand from his shoulder. Barry didn't intend to leave until he was sure that Y/N was fine.

"Hey, stop arguing," Y/N said in a weak voice, looking at the two.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Barry asked squeezing Y/N's hand. Barry was hoping that Y/N wouldn't blame herself for what had happened the previous night.

"I'm fine, but you look like crap," Y/N said once she got a good look at Barry.

"Gee thanks, sweetheart," Barry said back with a smirk.

"Cisco's right, go home...I'm fine," Y/N said reassuring Barry. And after asking her if she was fine a million times he finally agreed to go home, but not before kissing her goodbye.

"You admitted that I was right, you wanna repeat that so I can get a recording?" Cisco said trying to help Y/N feel a little better.

"Never," Y/N replied with a smirk before she tried sitting up. As soon as she began to swing her legs over the edge of the bed not only Cisco but Caitlin too ran over to her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Caitlin asked wide-eyed.

"Getting up and out of this bed," Y/N said back as if it wasn't obvious.

"You should probably rest," Cisco said trying to push her back into the bed.

"I am fine," Y/N said looking at both of them. The moment she put weight on her leg she cried out in pain and agreed that staying in bed wasn't the worst idea. Caitlin and Cisco resituated her before heading into the next room.  

A few minutes later Barry came back and immediately went to Y/N's side. 

"So I hear you tried to walk," Barry said.

"Yeah, not my brightest idea," Y/N said back with a look of defeat.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this, Yorkin deteriorated most of the muscles in your leg," Barry said back squeezing her hand in an attempt to make her feel as though it was okay.

"I guess you're right....for once," Y/N replied looking into his deep green eyes.

"Before I go is there anything I can do for you?" Barry asked. He wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible. After all in his eyes, she deserved only the best.

"You could take me out of this bed, I don't care where just anywhere but here," Y/N replied hoping Barry would agree and fulfill her wish. 

Barry didn't want to say yes, but he could tell she was miserable.

"Fine, but you'll have to stay at my lab with me, and probably Joe," Barry said as he began to pick her up carefully, making sure not to bother her leg.

"Onward my steed!" Y/N said before Barry sped them out of the Cortex, Barry couldn't help but laugh a little on their journey to CCPD.

Once they arrived Barry set her down in his chair, and had another facing her to prop up her leg. Then he ran and grabbed a blanket and laid it on her.

"My knight in shining armor," Y/N as she cupped Barry's face in her hands and kissed her, she would have kissed him again had Joe not walked in.

"Hey Barry, Y/N nice to see you again," Joe said walking into the lab and up to Barry.

"You need something Joe?" Barry asked taking his gaze away from Y/N.

"Yeah actually I needed both of you, someone has been breaking people out of Iron Heights...a speedster," Joe said emphasizing the speedster part.

"We know, it's Eobard Thawne, the Earth 5 version," Y/N said looking at a rather stunned Joe.

"Great, so there's two of them...great," Joe said walking out of the lab, "Oh Barry by the way Spivot is coming back, she wants to see you." And with that Joe exited the lab.

"Hey Barry," Y/N said looking up at him curiously.

"Yeah," he said kneeling down to her level and grabbing her hand.

"Who's Spivot?"

"Uhh, she's a detective, she and I had a thing, but that was almost 5 years ago. Right now all I care about is you," Barry said before kissing her.

The two continued kissing until an unsuspecting Patty Spivot walked in.

"Oh, uh sorry for interrupting," Patty said covering her eyes and heading for the door.

"No, no Patty you can stay," Barry said standing up, still holding Y/N's hand.

"Hey Barry it's good to see you," Patty said walking back into the lab. She was a little saddened to see that he had moved on, but what should she have expected. Who would wait 5 years for someone, however her feelings still remained.

"So, Joe said you wanted to talk?" Barry replied.

"Yeah, I was curious if you knew about the speedster breaking people out of Iron Heights, and I was also wondering about your new crime fighting friend," Patty said smiling.

"Uh yeah about that last thing," Barry said shooting a look at Y/N. She nodded as a sign of it's okay.

"That crime fighting friend is Y/N right here," Barry said gesturing to Y/N.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Y/N said putting out her hand to shake Patty's, "By the way, the speedster at Iron Heights is my Reverse Flash."

"Oh wow, Central City's two speedsters are what do you mean 'your' Reverse Flash?" Patty asked sounding confused.

"Uhh, Y/N here is from another universe," Barry said with a quirky smile.

"Man, things have gotten weird since I left," Patty said, "Well it was nice seeing you again Barry, and meeting you Y/N...I should get going," Patty said as she left the lab.

"She's nice," Y/N said looking at Barry.

"Yeah, but not as nice as you," Barry said kissing her one last time before returning to the work that awaited him.

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