Chapter 13

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Barry woke up the next morning to his alarm, he was tangled in Y/N's arms as she slept on his bare chest.

"'s time to get up," Barry said looking down at his sleeping girlfriend.

"Five more minutes," Y/N said, hoping he would continue to talk in his morning voice, one her favorite things about him. Just then Barry cleared his throat before speaking again. "Until next morning," Y/N thought to herself.

"I gotta go to work," he said before kissing her forehead.

"Call in sick," Y/N said back nuzzling her head more into his chest, and wrapping her arms around him in an attempt to make him stay.

"The Flash doesn't get to call in sick," he said lifting her chin and looking into her eyes.

"Fine...go," Y/N said kissing him one last time before he left. Then Barry sped out the door but came back to leave flowers for his girlfriend before he headed to work.

Y/N then proceeded to get up, showered and changed before stopping by Jitters and speeding off to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Hey Cisco, coffee?" Y/N asked Cisco as he spun around in his chair giving Y/N an odd look.

"What are you hiding?" Cisco asked taking the coffee and raising a brow at Y/N.

"I'm not hiding anything," Y/N said sitting in the chair next to Cisco and sipping on her coffee.

"No no no you're definitely hiding might as well just tell me before I vibe it out of you," Cisco said staring at Y/N.

"Morning guys," Caitlin said as she entered the lab.

"Hey Caitlin, you want coffee, I stopped by Jitters on the way here," Y/N said as Caitlin walked by her and Cisco.

"Yeah, thanks," Caitlin said as she took the remaining cup off the desk.

Just then Cisco's computers started going off.

"It's Bivolo, he was spotted at Gold City National downtown," Cisco said before Barry cut him off.

"I'm on it!" he yelled as he was running.

"On my way," Y/N said speeding out of the Cortex leaving skid marks on the floor.

"Every time," Cisco said annoyed, and then returned to his computer next to Caitlin to monitor both Flashes.

Y/N arrived to find Barry being choked by Bivolo, immediately she ran to him and knocked Bivolo off his feet, then the two saved some others from their rage fest before heading back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Once Bivolo was secured in the pipeline Barry and Y/N headed up to the Cortex.

"The dynamic duo does it again," Cisco said spinning in his chair to see both Barry and Y/N standing there together hand in hand.

"Barry, did Bivolo whammy you?" Caitlin asked looking at his vitals from the fight.

"I don't think so," Barry said looking at her.

"Nothing went red, no sudden feeling to attack us?" Caitlin asked getting up and looking at him and inspecting his eyes.

"I'm fine, really Cait," Barry said trying to reassure her before putting his suit away. 

"Are you really okay?" Y/N asked walking over to him as he put his suit away.

"Yes, I promise," Barry said wrapping and arm around her waist and kissing her briefly.

"I gotta head back to the station, Joe needs me," Barry said looking at his phone as he kissed her forehead and sped out of the Cortex.

Y/N began to head near the exit of the Cortex before Cisco grabbed her hand.

"Oh no you're not leaving until you tell me what you're hiding," Cisco said gesturing to the chair next to him.

"Cisco, I don't need to explain my love life to you," Y/N said pulling her hand out of his grip, and after that, she sped out of the Cortex.


Barry got out of the elevator and didn't see Joe, he assumed he was up in the lab.

"Hey what's up?" Barry asked walking in and sitting down at his desk.

"Hey, Barr...look I just wanna make sure you know what you're getting into," Joe said looking up at his son.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked wondering what he meant by his last statement.

"You and Y/N, it's just that you love her that much is obvious, but when comes down to it," he let out a sigh before continuing, "If it came down to the city or her, you would choose her...wouldn't you? Just think about what would happen if the people of Central City found out."

"Joe, I get it you're trying to protect her, and the city, but I'm not going to let her cloud my vision of justice, even if I do love her." And with that Barry stormed out of his lab, and headed to S.T.A.R. Labs...he just couldn't stand the fact that Joe didn't like the idea of him being happy. Or the fact that Joe didn't trust him to protect the city and Y/N.

Joe was happy that Barry was happy after all this was the first time he had been truly happy since Iris, but he didn't want that to affect his work as the Flash.

Barry was walking down the hall towards the Cortex in hopes of finding Y/N. Lucky for him she was also walking down to the hall towards the elevator.

"Hey Barry, what are you doi-," she was cut off by Barry embracing her in a kiss, and wrapping his arms around her waist. Curious as to why he was so affectionate so suddenly she pulled away.

"You know I love you right? And that I'd never let you cloud my judgment right?" Barry asked, looking into her eyes waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, but Barry what was this for," Y/N said gesturing to what had just happened.

"It's just Joe thinks that I love you too much and that I am letting you cloud my judgment," he said looking rather annoyed by the thought.

"Barry, I know that in the moment you'll make the right decision, who cares what Joe thinks about us; all that matters is what we think," Y/N said looking into his eyes hoping for an answer.

"How do you do it?" he asked with a smile.

"Do what?" Y/N asked.

"Always make me feel better."

"Like this," she said sealing the deal with yet another long and passionate kiss.

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